I believe it is absolutely inappropriate to try and equate qi with biological or electrical or other scientific processes.
I know that a lot of people are skeptical about qi. Personally, I believe that it does exist in all of us, but it is very subtle to the point that most people are simply unaware of it. It is also something that is its own thing, which modern science has not yet been able to identify or describe.
People who I trust have described it as something that can definitely be felt, and even controlled. The problem is that it takes a lot of training and focus to reach that point, especially the point of being able to control it. Most people never reach that point, most people remain oblivious to it, and they get along just fine that way. But it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
Perhaps someday modern/Western science will be able to identify, measure, and describe qi. But that day has not yet come.
Some people are particularly gifted when it comes to mathematics. I can not do what they do but it is obvious that they have a mental ability I do not posess. Is their ability real or is it a hoax? Obviously it is real. Can I train to improve my mathematical ability? Yes I can, if I want to and if I am prepared to put in the effort required.
Similarly with ki. If a person can do things to me that defy rational explanation, ie physical, do I deny it has happened and say that it is not possible? No. I may not be able to do what they do, but with their guidance I too may be able to develop the same ability, if I am willing to put in the time and effort required.
In thread after thread people who do not understand ki pass it off as BS. People post YouTube videos that are impossible to verify and use those to prove/disprove their opinion. Go and experience ki first hand from someone who genuinely applies ki in their training, then pass comment.
From personal experience I know that ki is real and hopefully, one day I will be able to apply it effectively. :asian: