The solution to the US problems

Being speculative, without Lend Lease of cargo ships and the supply lines kept open prior to the Battle of Britain, we would have been forced to an accommodation with Germany (probably getting rid of Churchill as PM as one of the conditions). That would have meant that America would not have gotten all the military technology that she did (for free), would not have broken the codes used by the Axis and would have been contained on the American mainland by the Japanese, German and Royal navies. With our help and knowledge, the Germans would have had the atomic bomb first and who knows where that would have lead when combined with jet bombers and intercontinental rocketry.

I'll let you have the rest of your rather fanciful speculation(would Britain really have let the Germans cart of all of British Jewry? Tinkers, sure, but Jews? Homosexuals?) but the bolded part is not likely, for the same reason that the Germans didn't succeed when they had all the pieces in place: an aversion to what Hitler labeled "Jewish science."
You know... I thought the OP was funny but i have to admt I expected this to go south on the very first page.... it got all the way to the second page and post 19 and 20 before it went south.... congrats guys you have proven we on MT can even get in a fight over a post based on comedy and anywhere over any silly thing.
To the citizens of the United States of America from Her Sovereign Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

In light of your immediate failure to financially manage yourselves and therefore not able to govern yourselves, we hereby give notice of the revocation of your independence, effective immediately. (You should look up 'revocation' in the Oxford English Dictionary.)

Revocation? How does she think she can revoke something the Crown didn't grant? I think the queen needs to look up 'revolution' in the Oxford English Dictionary. noun 1 a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in favour of a new system.

Otherwise funny, but I don't think the UK could afford to assume the US debt!
Unless you're a vet, and in this case in particular, a WWII veteran, let's give them our utmost respect (both British and American in this case) and avoid diminishing their sacrifice in a tit for tat exchange with friends on the internet.

I believe that there's a clear distinction between dogging soccer a little, wondering why anyone would put a spotted dick in his mouth, joking about language differences and cultural quirks, and using WWII as a sarcastic barb.

Not intended to call out anyone in particular. Just my opinion at the turn the thread has taken. This is supposed to be light hearted, if I understand the intent of the thread right.

So, with that said, I wonder how Jamie Oliver ever learned to cook. In Britain, you only have two ways to prepare food: boiled or fried. It's a wonder you survive to adulthood on your diet! :) Oh, that's right. He went over to France! Haha.
Unless you're a vet, and in this case in particular, a WWII veteran, let's give them our utmost respect (both British and American in this case) and avoid diminishing their sacrifice in a tit for tat exchange with friends on the internet.

I believe that there's a clear distinction between dogging soccer a little, wondering why anyone would put a spotted dick in his mouth, joking about language differences and cultural quirks, and using WWII as a sarcastic barb.

Not intended to call out anyone in particular. Just my opinion at the turn the thread has taken. This is supposed to be light hearted, if I understand the intent of the thread right.

So, with that said, I wonder how Jamie Oliver ever learned to cook. In Britain, you only have two ways to prepare food: boiled or fried. It's a wonder you survive to adulthood on your diet! :) Oh, that's right. He went over to France! Haha.

I'm with you on this. We can joke light heartedly with each other over our differences and as the French say Vive La Difference but making snide comments is out of order.

I would point out that a Canadian posted this lol so in the UK we don't have to sort ourselves out first!
I must admit having the USA in the Commonwealth would be good, not so they have the monachy as head of state but because we are close and it would make them even more of our family.
LOL, it's not like the US had a reputation for being a culinary hot spot either.... ^_^
It doesn't? American food is AWESOME! From the deliciousness that is Southern Cooking, to the awesomeness that is Cajun food, to the seafood on both coasts to what REALLY makes American food rock: the fusions we have invented as a result of the huge mash of culinary styles present.

American versions of Asian, Mexican and Italian foods are inspired by, but truly distinct versions of food. American food kicks butt.

British food? Well, it's no wonder they make good, strong beer. Masks the taste of the fried offal! Hehe. :)

I'll add that throughout our country, our ability to char meat over open flames is as good as anyone's. As a country, we have taken cooking over flame to a new level, from rubs to sauces, hot, sweet or both, our BBQ and Grilling is top tier.
It doesn't? American food is AWESOME! From the deliciousness that is Southern Cooking, to the awesomeness that is Cajun food, to the seafood on both coasts to what REALLY makes American food rock: the fusions we have invented as a result of the huge mash of culinary styles present.

American versions of Asian, Mexican and Italian foods are inspired by, but truly distinct versions of food. American food kicks butt.

British food? Well, it's no wonder they make good, strong beer. Masks the taste of the fried offal! Hehe. :)

I'll add that throughout our country, our ability to char meat over open flames is as good as anyone's. As a country, we have taken cooking over flame to a new level, from rubs to sauces, hot, sweet or both, our BBQ and Grilling is top tier.
It's gotta have the 3 B's..
Beer Butter and Bacon. :)
I'd still like to know how a Brit learned to cook something that actually tastes good.

You really ought to visit Europe sometime Steve. It will give you an interesting perspective on our comparative lifestyles, including the cooking ;)

Smaller countries, smaller buildings, and easier transports. Less room for refridgerators and freezers, less dependence on flash-frozen items, easier to transport foodstuffs least that's my take on it. Certainly, modern European countries import different types of food from all over the world, but I think the finest examples of British cuisine can be found with locally grown livestock/game and cheeses (Cheddar, England gave us a cheese.....I forget what its called, but I think Americans kinda diggit :lol2:). I also think the British have assimilated other foods better than we did. The big American brands in our grocery store tend to have Americanized versions of ethnic foods, where stalwart British brands have adopted (for example) curries and the like that are very close to what one might find in India.

Also...British candy puts ours to shame. I'd hate to think of what my waistline would be like if Cadbury Crunchie bars, Aero bars, Turkish Delight, or Allsorts were widely sold here. :D
You really ought to visit Europe sometime Steve. It will give you an interesting perspective on our comparative lifestyles, including the cooking ;)

Smaller countries, smaller buildings, and easier transports. Less room for refridgerators and freezers, less dependence on flash-frozen items, easier to transport foodstuffs least that's my take on it. Certainly, modern European countries import different types of food from all over the world, but I think the finest examples of British cuisine can be found with locally grown livestock/game and cheeses (Cheddar, England gave us a cheese.....I forget what its called, but I think Americans kinda diggit :lol2:). I also think the British have assimilated other foods better than we did. The big American brands in our grocery store tend to have Americanized versions of ethnic foods, where stalwart British brands have adopted (for example) curries and the like that are very close to what one might find in India.

Also...British candy puts ours to shame. I'd hate to think of what my waistline would be like if Cadbury Crunchie bars, Aero bars, Turkish Delight, or Allsorts were widely sold here. :D
Carol, I've been there. I'm just giving them crap. Don't steal my thunder! :D

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