The Rush Limbaugh media lynch mob

Big Don

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The Rush Limbaugh media lynch mob

By Toby Harnden October 14th, 2009 EXCERPT:

Which public figure can be quoted as having said something bigoted and disgusting and it doesn’t matter whether he did or not because he might have? Who can Big Media brand a racist without checking the facts? Who has to prove he did not say something racist, rather than the accuser proving he did?
A pat on the back for anyone who guessed the answer: Rush Limbaugh (OK, the blog headline was a clue). From CNN to MSNBC to ABC, it’s been put about that Limbaugh said this:
I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.
It’s also been spread around that he said this, about the death of the man who assassinated Martin Luther King:
You know who deserves a posthumous Medal of Honour? James Earl Ray. We miss you, James. Godspeed.
Trouble is, he didn’t say either of these outrageous things. And it wasn’t difficult to check, as protein wisdom shows here. They originated from, er, Wikipedia and Wikiquotes. Both quotes ended up in this book – a hit job that doesn’t cite any sources. They’re also included in this internet list posted a year ago and endlessly ripped off ever since.
The irony is, of course, that the people reporting this as fact are the same types who are always denouncing bloggers and the internet as forces of evil intent on destroying proper journalism – proper journalism being the kind that involves checking facts. In the case of Rush Limbaugh, however, it seems to be enough that the intention (i.e. to show the talk radio host is a racist) is considered pure.
Even those who have been primary movers in spreading these malicious falsehoods – which would lead to payouts of hundreds of thousands in British libel courts if lawsuits were ever filed there – are brazenly unapologetic.

Those that hate him, won't care that the alleged quotes are fake.
Blacklisted from NFL ownership. Is this Neo-McCarthyism?
Those that hate him, won't care that the alleged quotes are fake.

That is true of many things. I get emails from my ultra-right-wing sister and her hubby all the time, chain letters full of outrageous statements that are far from true. I don't even bother with them anymore, but some are so outrageous that I've looked them up on Snopes, Factcheck, etc, and discovered that they are indeed hoaxes or false.

If I tell her about this, first she denies it. If I prove it, she then gets angry and announces that it doesn't matter anyway, because the person named is deserving of the hatred and scorn being heaped on them anyway.

People seem to want to believe what they want to believe. Left-wing, Right-wing, both send around these incredible stories full of lies. Debunk them and you just make the person who sent them to you mad, because they do not want the truth - they want something to hate.

And I *love* the fact that depending on whether Factcheck, Snopes, or whatever supports your point or debunks it, they're either great or obviously part of the conspiracy. Uh-huh.
For what it's worth, I think that Rush has said many things that are blatantly racist, but the remark he made about McNabb wasn't one of them. The NFL has made it clear that they are actively encouraging minority coaches and minority QBs.

Regarding the NFL, they can black list him for whatever reason they want, provided they're not discriminating based upon one or more protected categories. It's not a conspiracy or anything like that. They simply made a decision that they essentially don't like Rush and don't want to allow him into the club. That's not illegal.
From what I understand, the NFL Players Association is trying to block Rush Limbaugh on grounds that they think Mr. Limbaugh is a racist. (Not a jerk, or an unlikeable guy, or that loudmouth on the radio that they hate).

Some people are saying that Limbaugh may have grounds for libel, especially if he sustains damages of some sort.
Mark Cuban was denied from becoming a baseball owner (Cubs) by the ownership group because he was too controversial. These things are really exclusive rich people's clubs that they can allow membership to who they want, whatever the media would prefer.

As for the original post, if those stories are running then it is a fine example of piss poor journalism, or more correctly a complete lack of integrity and ethics in journalism
From what I understand, the NFL Players Association is trying to block Rush Limbaugh on grounds that they think Mr. Limbaugh is a racist. (Not a jerk, or an unlikeable guy, or that loudmouth on the radio that they hate).

Some people are saying that Limbaugh may have grounds for libel, especially if he sustains damages of some sort.
They can legally discriminate on any basis they want provided it's not a protected category. That is the point I was making.

You can't prove that someone is or isn't a racist. You can only point to things a person's said or done and say, "I don't like that guy. He's a bad guy with whom we shouldn't associate because...." And as long as the reason isn't based upon race, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation in some places or any of the other protected categories, you're completely within your legal rights.

Once again, I believe Rush is a blowhard. I've also heard clips of his radio show that were racist at worst and in extremely poor taste at best, but this case isn't one of them. There IS a social concern on the part of the NFL. But that doesn't mean that the NFL is in the wrong. Rather, they're well within their rights.
Shoulda stayed out of politics and stuck to something safe like torturing dogs for fun and profit.
Now I'm confused. What do the con/ex-con players in the NFL have to do with Rush Limbaugh's situation?
Ah. I see what you're implying now. I think it's irrelevant, but I understand it now.
There was something during the presidential run where he encouraged and laughed with a caller comparing Obama to Curious George. Of course, later, he said he'd never heard of Curious George. Yeah... right.

And then there was the time he said that the NFL looked like a gang war (or something like that... referencing the Crips and the Bloods).

Those two stand out. I would bet you can find them on the internet somewhere. Please don't make me look for video of the guy.

Regarding Biden or whoever else, if the NFL decides that they don't want to allow them to buy a team at some point, I'd support their right to do so, as well. Provided, of course, that they aren't discriminating based upon a protected category.
...because they do not want the truth - they want something to hate.

...and there you go. Why are folks so hateful?

What's happened over the last few decades? It's evidenced everywhere, especially in the media.

I mean, we've gone from "Leave it to Beaver" being a number 1 show to reality shows that thrive on conflict dominating prime time. One was a purely positive show with positive messages and the other...well...

I'm not saying hatefullness just cropped up out of nowhere, but it seems like being negative is promoted a heck of a lot more than being positive any more.

...I don't get it.
There was something during the presidential run where he encouraged and laughed with a caller comparing Obama to Curious George. Of course, later, he said he'd never heard of Curious George. Yeah... right.

And then there was the time he said that the NFL looked like a gang war (or something like that... referencing the Crips and the Bloods).

Those two stand out. I would bet you can find them on the internet somewhere. Please don't make me look for video of the guy.

Regarding Biden or whoever else, if the NFL decides that they don't want to allow them to buy a team at some point, I'd support their right to do so, as well. Provided, of course, that they aren't discriminating based upon a protected category.

These appear to be the quotes in context: