Tgace was griping about yet another thread of the same "tone" as all the other Pax Americana, Etc. threads...![]()
Oi Rome again. Sigh. Read on my friend and connect the dots yourself.

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Tgace was griping about yet another thread of the same "tone" as all the other Pax Americana, Etc. threads...![]()
Kaith Rustaz said:I'm with ya too.
We have to protect America, without becoming Amerika.
Dont muddy up a perfectly good conspiracy with personal experience and common sense...:rofl:CanuckMA said:Planes don't sit on the tarmak fully armed anymore. I would be very surprised if it took less than 30 minutes to get a plane combat ready. Add anouther 15-20 minutes to fly from Otis to New York. Then do you order the passenger plane shot down over the densely populated area that is New York?
Jet fighters on major exercises do not carry live ammo, unless they are heading for a range.
As for the Ashcroft thing, hey I'm no fan of Bush and his croonies, but if the FBI had credible intelligence of a possible hijacking, they would act in that way. Remember that prior to 911, a hijacking meant LANDING the plane somewhere to negotiate.
AT that time, when ATC loses contact with a commercial airliner, the assumptions were that it was just equipment failure.
There might have been a failure in intelligence. There certainly was a failure in security at the airport, but I don't believe that there was a failure in execution.
Tgace said:Dont muddy up a perfectly good conspiracy with personal experience and common sense...:rofl:
upnorthkyosa said:"Has anyone realized that NOT ONE OFFICIAL HAS BEEN FIRED AS THE RESULT OF 911!" Sen. John McCain to Tim Russert on Meet the Press.
Operation Vigilant Resolve Ignites Hellfire in Iraq
While Condi Rice Makes Nice With the Warren, I mean, 9/11 Commission.
By Michael I. Niman, ArtVoice 4/15/04
“Preparations for Hijackings”Last week also saw Condoleezza Rice’s long awaited and much over hyped testimony before the 9/11 commission. Again, there wasn’t much new information here. What was new, however, was the mainstream media’s sudden interest in covering a story that the alterative media has reported over and over again ad-nausea since 2001. Black Congressional Caucus Chair Elijah Cummings summed up the corroborating points of Rice’s testimony quite succinctly, explaining that on August 6th, 2001, while Bush “was on a thirty-day vacation in Crawford Texas... He was informed by his national security team that al Qaida operatives in the United States had the ability to hijack passenger planes.” Rice revealed the title of the classified presidential briefing as “Bin Laden Determined to Strike Inside the United States.” We now know that this memo clearly stated that al Qaida was engaged in “patterns of suspicious activity in this country consistent with preparations for hijackings.”
The Bush administrationÂ’s response to this information is even more telling. Testimony before the 9/11 commission shows that they chose not to share this threat information with the Department of Transportation, the Federal Aviation Administration or the FBI field office in charge of international terrorism. Hell, Newsweek reports that Bush and Cheney even decided not to tell Attorney General John Ashcroft, under whose watch the FBI falls. Instead, they just chose to have top administration officials such as John Ashcroft stop flying on commercial flights.
The Washington DC based think tank, the Center for American Progress, was quick to point out that Rice also made statements under oath that seem to counter the historic record. She claimed, for instance, that the Bush administration “decided immediately to continue pursuing the Clinton Administration’s ... efforts to fight [al Qaida].” In reality, the Ashcroft Justice Department curtailed a Clinton era program to monitor al Qaida suspects in the US. They also terminated reconnaissance missions over Afghanistan that monitored bin Laden’s movements.
In the months leading up to the 9/11 attacks, the administration further curtailed anti-terrorism efforts. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff during the 9/11 attacks, General Henry Shelton, reported that during the summer of 2001 the Bush administration moved anti-terrorism efforts “farther to the back burner.” Bush advisor General Don Kerrick warned the administration that al Qaida would be striking again, but no one contacted him to ask for more details.
Rice testified that the Bush administration increased funding for counterterrorism activities when in fact they cut over $500 million out of the Justice DepartmentÂ’s counterterrorism budget. She also contradicted her own previous statements about Richard Clarke. First she alleged that Clarke never turned over a plan for combating al Qaida. Under oath, however, she claims the administration was following suggestions made in ClarkeÂ’s plan.
Another Warren Commission?What has come out of the 9/11 commission is the fact that the Bush administration knew that a major al Qaida attack was imminent. And we know that they received specific warnings. They knew the attack might involve airplanes. Or at least they believed this enough to keep their own people off of commercial flights. And we know that simple judicious measures could have prevented these attacks, yet the Bush administration chose not to take any preventative action.
We know that the Bush administration was negligent. Perhaps we can argue that they were criminally negligent. But this is where the 9/11 commission stops short. People make mistakes. And mistakes can be forgiven. Even if the results are tragic on a massive scale. Everyone makes mistakes.
The 9/11 commission is out to either prove or disprove allegations of incompetence while ignoring countless allegations of intentional malfeasance or strategic incompetence. The commission also isnÂ’t asking questions about documented Saudi and Pakistani government connections to the hijackers and the possibility that officials from these countries were complicit in the attack on America. The commission isnÂ’t conducting th criminal investigation this nation needs if we are to have closure. TheyÂ’re not asking tough questions and theyÂ’re not following the money. Nobody is. Perhaps its because the potential answers are so frightening that weÂ’re collectively shying away from asking the questions.
Any meaningful inquiry into an event that so radically changed our political landscape, ultimately changing the very ethos of our nation, must ask difficult questions. The friends and relatives of the tens of thousands of people who have been killed in New York, Pennsylvania, Washington DC, Afghanistan and Iraq deserve to know the answers.
Michael I. NimanÂ’s previous columns are archived at
Otis Air National Guard Base is located 193 miles from the World Trade Center.CanuckMA said:Add anouther 15-20 minutes to fly from Otis to New York.
CanuckMA said:Jet fighters on major exercises do not carry live ammo, unless they are heading for a range.
Ender said:I just crack up at you guys trying to find some mysterious conspiracy or some protocol that wasn't followed correctly. I remember 9/11 because I was working at JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) at the time and was just arriving to work. In the military and in Aerospace there is a procedure or specification for everything. Did you know there is a MIL-SPEC for condoms??..*L..anyway, on that day, pandemonium reigned at the Lab, and all they could come up with was to send everyone home, and to shut down the campus. The lab was closed for 3 days after that until they figured out what to do. Well, come to find out, there was a plan and a procedure to deal with something like this event, but no one knew where it was, and no one knew who was in charge of it. So management regrouped and came up with a new plan which involved incoming inspections and searches. This is kinda funny in itself because there is enough material and technology ON the lab to build a bomb!
Also, there is a plan for everything somewhere, even something like a plan to invade Canada. Doesn't mean anyone would ever use it, or find it, but there is a plan. Aand all these plans are made to give the US a strategic advantage or position. Included in these plans are different scenarios with different outcomes. So, of course there were plans made for Iraq, There are also plans to battle China, Russia, even Mexico.
I even laugh at these people who try to make something out of the military exercise that may have been going on. Again, having worked on some of these programs (SAWE), I can tell you that most of them are done unarmed or with VERY limited live munitions. These excercises are extremely focused and to try to convert these into a real time emergency situation would be extremely difficult.
Anyway, the point is, monday morning quarterbacking is just that. Hindsight.
So, what would the situation have to be for you to say "Gee, you know, the United States Government and Military really Screwed That Up".Ender said:I just crack up at you guys trying to find some mysterious conspiracy or some protocol that wasn't followed correctly. I remember 9/11 because I was working at JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab) at the time and was just arriving to work. In the military and in Aerospace there is a procedure or specification for everything. Did you know there is a MIL-SPEC for condoms??..*L..anyway, on that day, pandemonium reigned at the Lab, and all they could come up with was to send everyone home, and to shut down the campus. The lab was closed for 3 days after that until they figured out what to do. Well, come to find out, there was a plan and a procedure to deal with something like this event, but no one knew where it was, and no one knew who was in charge of it. So management regrouped and came up with a new plan which involved incoming inspections and searches. This is kinda funny in itself because there is enough material and technology ON the lab to build a bomb!
Also, there is a plan for everything somewhere, even something like a plan to invade Canada. Doesn't mean anyone would ever use it, or find it, but there is a plan. Aand all these plans are made to give the US a strategic advantage or position. Included in these plans are different scenarios with different outcomes. So, of course there were plans made for Iraq, There are also plans to battle China, Russia, even Mexico.
I even laugh at these people who try to make something out of the military exercise that may have been going on. Again, having worked on some of these programs (SAWE), I can tell you that most of them are done unarmed or with VERY limited live munitions. These excercises are extremely focused and to try to convert these into a real time emergency situation would be extremely difficult.
Anyway, the point is, monday morning quarterbacking is just that. Hindsight.
(10) Why are conspiracy theories regarding 9-11 not credible?
For each of the different conspiracy theories, various possibilities exist for who was conspiring. Thus, when we take into account all the permutations of who was involved for each different theory, we have at least several dozen different conspiracy theories for 9-11. The average Leftist is supposed burrow among all this, virtually endlessly. Yet in fact none of these theories is even moderately persuasive.
Consider first those variations that have Bush pulling the attacks off alone, with perhaps a few trusted aides. One feels like one is entering a twilight zone of inattentiveness to reality even engaging in such discussion, but surely Bush couldn't arrange for U.S. agents to orchestrate the plot without the cooperation of top CIA or military intelligence officials; surely he couldn't get NORAD to take over the planes by remote control without the cooperation of top NORAD officials. Or imagine that the plot was the version requiring the least pre-planning -- namely, that Bush was surprised when the first tower was hit, but then consciously decided to act to allow the rest of the strikes to take place in order to reap the benefits of a war on terrorism. Could it be that Bush was able to figure out the implications of that initial attack, but that none of his other top advisers insisted that he take action? If it was obvious enough to Bush where all this was leading, wouldn't it have been obvious to top national security advisers who were not privy to the plot that something had to be done? Would these advisers have let Bush continue with his elementary school visit (where he was between 9 and 9:30 the morning of September 11) without insisting on an urgent meeting?
If Bush deciding alone on the spot to let the attacks continue is scarcely credible, no matter, consider another variation: that Bush had advance warning of what was going to happen and that he decided to let it happen, again in order to garner the benefits of the ensuing war fever. Bykov and Israel claim that there is no way that the president would have continued his elementary school visit after the Twin Towers were struck unless he knew about it in advance:
There is only one explanation for the Secret Service allowing President Bush to take the deadly risk of going to the Booker School on the morning of September 11th.
George Walker Bush knew the plans for 9-11. And because he knew those plans, he knew that nobody was going to attack the Booker School ( t/indict-3.htm).
The premise here is that anyone aware that the Twin Towers were struck would know that the president and the country were in immediate danger. But then why didn't the Secret Service demand to rush Bush to safety? If Bush were going to overrule his Secret Service team, wouldn't we have seen some evidence of it between 9:05 (when Tower 2 was struck) and 9:30? And if Bush were so smart to have planned this whole thing, why would he interfere with the Secret Service's routine procedures? Why not let them rush him to safety? Or, if the Secret Service is in on it -- could the plotters really be certain that they all would maintain perfect silence about a mass murder plot?
Bush later allowed the Secret Service to hide him on various military bases rather than return directly to Washington, a decision that led to much criticism of the president for failing to lead the nation in a crisis. You'd think with advance planning, Bush could have arranged to look properly cautious at first and then like a heroic leader later. Instead he seemed confused and then chicken. (Of course, conspiracy theorists will say that the initial confusion and then the hiding were all part of the deception, finding turtles all the way down. Sure, sometimes it pays to feign stupidity -- as when Reagan said he couldn't recall anything about Iran-Contra -- but this was only after the plot was discovered. In the 9-11 case, however, according to these conspiracy theorists the initial plot is supposedly intended to make the president look like an idiot.) Criminals usually take care to prepare their alibis. Are we to believe that Bush planned the largest peacetime terrorist plot in history and didn't bother thinking through what would make his behavior seem least suspicious and most praiseworthy?
Would everyone hearing of the second attack on the World Trade Center at 9:05 a.m. have immediately known what was going on? Some of the conspiracy theorists say yes. But then why did the FAA not ground all U.S. flights until 9:40 a.m.? (Evan Thomas and Mark Hosenball, Newsweek, 24 Sept. 2001) Four planes were already known to have been hijacked, two had already plowed into buildings more than half an hour earlier. There are two possibilities. Either the FAA was in on the plot too, and its officials have been silent since, or else there was genuine confusion that morning and it was quite possible to not know what was happening. For that matter, even if the FAA were in on the plot, it's hard to see what purpose could be served by delaying the grounding of the planes. The morass.
What other top officials might have been involved in the plot in addition to Bush? Bykov and Israel say (with no particular evidence) that Rumsfeld and Myers, the Secretary of Defense and the acting Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff were involved. If he wants to argue that according to the established chain of command, these are the individuals responsible for protecting U.S. national security and that they failed, that is surely true, but hardly something to warrant the political attention of the Left. But Bykov and Israel don't want to make this argument. They say explicitly: "Their behavior, as described in the media, presents the appearance of bewilderment, naivet and lack of preparedness. But we shall prove this appearance was contrived" ( t/indict-2.htm).
So we are supposed to believe that the top Pentagon officials have arranged an attack on the Pentagon, where lots of their cronies and top aides worked. (Yes, maybe they could have arranged for their closest friends to be on the other side of the building, but this seems rather difficult to pull off -- and now we are into the morass, one claim after another, again.) And why, by the way, attack the Pentagon at all? Wouldn't Bush have gotten just as much support for his war on terrorism if just the WTC was hit and not the Pentagon?
Was the CIA involved? If not, how could the plotters be sure that the CIA wouldn't find out about the conspiracy and blow the whistle? If the CIA was involved, however, what about the fact that CIA chief Tenet was a Clinton appointee. (Yes, Democrats are as imperialist as Republicans; but a secret plot to commit mass murder is likely to be closely held. And if the Democrats are in on the plot, then why are folks like Hillary Clinton calling for an investigation?) One can weave a bigger web, with more turtles, ad infinitum. There is no proving a negative, particularly about events that are intrinsically largely beyond our purview of investigation. In such cases our overarching understanding of the context, the institutional situation, and our broader agendas should come into play. But not for those who see turtles all the way down.
One of Bush's closest cronies is Ted Olson. Olson was the lawyer who argued the Bush-should-be-president case before the Supreme Court and was made Solicitor General as pay-off. Was Olson in on the plot? Does it matter that Olson's wife, Barbara, was on the plane that hit the Pentagon? Was this too just to throw investigators off the scent of the plot? (Yes, we know, Ted may have wanted to leave Barbara for some super-model, and Barbara wouldn't give him a divorce, so maybe the whole plot was just a cover to get Ted out of his marriage.)
What about Attorney General John Ashcroft? Was he in on it? As the author of the Patriot Act that was made possible by the war on terrorism, he seems like someone with something to gain from 9-11. And we know that he was told by the FBI in July that for his safety he should avoid commercial flights (Newsweek, 27 May 2002). Doesn't this prove conspiracy? Well, no. It may show a callous disregard for the well-being of the American public -- instead of making the skies safe for all passengers, the privileged are taken care of and the rest are ignored -- but it doesn't indicate that Ashcroft or anyone else knew about 9-11. (For example, leaders often have access to better medical care than the population at large; rather than improve medical care for all, selfish elites provide themselves with first-class care and let others fend for themselves. This is contemptible behavior, of course, but it is systematically produced by the institutions of capitalist and elite-dominated societies and it is very different from suggesting that members of the elite secretly inject the general population with cancer cells.) In any event, if Ashcroft were privy to the 9-11 plot he certainly left himself vulnerable to charges of gross incompetence, rejecting in the months before 9-11 FBI requests for more counter-terrorism analysts (Newsweek, 27 May 2002).
If, to go on with the line-up of options, as in some versions of the conspiracy theories, bin Laden is controlled by or faked by the U.S. government, then why didn't the plotters arrange for the "evidence" to implicate Iraq (a place they're much more eager to invade than Afghanistan)? The hijackers could have left all sorts of material behind linking themselves to Saddam Hussein. Mohammed Atta's will could have referred to funds and direction from Baghdad. If, on the other hand, the U.S. plotters didn't control bin Laden, but only knew of his plans through some sort of electronic or human intelligence, then how could they be sure that the plane that struck the Pentagon wouldn't instead hit some target they really cared about?
Bush, of course, knows no history. But if any of the bright people around him were in on the plot, surely they would have told him how hard it is to keep a secret. Kissinger ordered the secret falsification of records of where U.S. planes in Indochina were bombing to hide the fact that Cambodia was being targeted. A radar operator spilled the beans. And what was at stake there was something that many US soldiers might not have cared very much about. But to have several hundred people involved in a plot to commit mass murder, not of people who can be considered sub-human, or "other," etc., but thousands of Americans -- that's a secret that would be extraordinary to expect to be kept secret. To take that risk at all, much less when they already had immense power, is simply not believable.
michaeledward said:Otis Air National Guard Base is located 193 miles from the World Trade Center.
A McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle has a top speed of 1650 miles per hour.
My simple mathematics tells me that an F-15 should be able to travel 165 miles in 1/10th of an hour - 6 minutes - Which means certainly, the Eagles should hve been able to reach NYC in less than 10 minutes.
Flight 11 was hijacked at 8:13 AM ...
the flight attendant reported the hijacking during a phone call at 8:20 AM ...
There are reports that NORAD received notification of the hijacking at 8:31 AM / 8:34 AM / 8:40 AM. It is unclear at which time Norad was alerted...
The order to scramble the aircraft occurs at 8:46 AM...
The F-15's launch from Otis ANG Base at 8:52 AM...
9:02 AM (10 minutes after launch) the F-15's are still 71 miles away.
That's 33 minutes from Hijacking until the scramble order is issued.
That's 26 minutes from someone on the plane reporting the hijacking until the scramble order is issued.
And just for the record ... here is a report form 'Aviation Week'.Could the planes have responded quicker? Don't know.
[color=#0000]Shortly after the second WTC crash, calls from fighter units start “pouring into NORAD and sector operations centers, asking, ‘What can we do to help?’ At Syracuse, New York, an ANG commander [tells Northeast Air Defense Sector (NEADS) commander Robert] Marr, ‘Give me 10 min. and I can give you hot guns. Give me 30 min. and I'll have heat-seeker [missiles]. Give me an hour and I can give you slammers [Amraams].’” Marr replies, “I want it all.”[/color]
But ... the F-15's were not travelling at top speed, or they were not flying to Metro-New York.
You are correct, that hijackers did not plow planes into buildings. But, terroriss using planes as weapons is a scenario that had been widely discussed throughout the Counterterrorism Security Group (headed by Richard Clarke) since before the 1996 Atlanta Summer Olympics.CanuckMA said:To also keep in mind. Up until 911, hijackers DID NOT plow planes into buildings. Nobody you have ordered the downing of a hijacked plane, let alone over a populated area like metro-NYC.