Melissa426 said:
John Edwards made his money as a trial lawyer, suing corporations and doctors, and winning millions of dollars for his himself and his clients. Does that make him a great lawyer? I am sure it does.
Eat too much at McDonald's and now you're fat? Go ahead and sue.
Your kid didn't make the cheerleading squad? Go ahead and sue.
You smoked a pack of cigarettes a day for 30 years and now have lung cancer? Go ahead and sue.
Malpractice insurance rates are skyrocketing, and this has created a real crisis in many areas. Edwards blames the insurance companys. I blame the trial lawyers, who are preying on folks trying to hit the medical or corporate malpractice lottery/jackpot. Many companies or physicians settle "frivolous" lawsuits, just so they don't have to waste their time defending them.
There will be no real tort reform with John Edwards in office. After all, he has benefitted greatly from the current system. The American Trial Lawyers Association couldn't be happier that he is running for VP
I am not, repeat NOT, saying that they are not some people who have been seriously injured due to corporate or medical malfeasance.
Yes, this issue is serious enough to make me want to consider if John Edwards should be that close to the presidency.
These are sort of broad generalizations; some I can agree with, however, where is there record that Edwards made his money off of "frivilous" law suits?
No offense, but these are attacks more on our legal system rather then Edwards himself. I would take your points about Edwards with more validity if you had more evidence against him, rather then generalizations about his career, or the legal system. Not voting for someone because they are a trial lawyer is akin to not voting for someone because they are a stock broker, an insurance agent, or a cop, because you distrust "stock brokers," "insurance agents," or "cops." And, under that logic, you couldn't vote Bush either because him and all his buddies also made money under our current system, so how could we expect tort reform from them?
(this is not directed towards you Melissa, as I am not saying you are conservative) I think much of the conservative population under Bush has lost their ability to argue coherently and logically. An examples of an interesting (and illogical) habit I have seen...
Conservatives under Bush seem very good at making insults that aren't actually insults, thereby "labeling" people, and getting the unthinking public to rally around that. If conservative PR says anything sneeringly, like so-and-so is "liberal" or "french" or a "trial lawyer," then some people go out like robots and honestly argue "I can't vote for blah...because blah is a 'liberal' or blah is a 'french lover'" It's ridicules. Our public is so gordamm lazy that we buy these illogical falicies because someone "important said them," or someone put in on da...der... TV. And, if you don't think this bullcrap isn't working for them, then let me tell you a story. Wanna know how our Attorney General in MI., Mike Cox, got elected? He was down in the polls against Sen. Gary Peters until a special ad came out. The premises of the add was "Can you trust Gary Peters, when he was a STOCK BROKER!?"(add in creepy music along with that sentence). People are so frikin retarded, that this illogical attack worked, and he came up in the polls to win the election by a small margin.
I guess I'll just sit back and wait for american to start thinking critically.