the next 100 years


Senior Master
Assuming we last 100 more years, what do you think the world will look like? all aspects. I'll give some thought starters:

Think we will still be exclusively on this planet? This solar system?

Will we have learned to effectively communicate with other animals on earth? or possibly aliens?

Will we have eradicated disease, or will it still be a few steps ahead of us?

Will the political landscape and country lines have dramatically changed?

Will we be off the dependence on fossil fuels and have mastered a truly replinishable and enviromentally friendly energy source?

Will the human population still be exploding, or will it calm down?

Will we still be having wars, and if so, fighting over the same things as always?

Something I've thought about... some of the things I've learned in chemistry/physics have been very recent and I learned them in high school. Will we be teaching our grand-children in high school the things that now are considered revolutionary? Teaching Quantum Physics, for instance, in 9th grade as a standard class?

Will religion look different in the future? Will we keep adding new ones, or consolidate into a few? Or will religion be as prevelant in the future as it is today?

How far will genetics and cloning have progressed? Will we get our complete genetic sequence done in less than a minute, a la GATTACA movie?

Feel free to add others! I look forward to your answers!

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