The New Batman Movie

Thought that the movie was a good one.

Back a few posts there was a question about Ra's spitir jumping into Ducard. It did not jump into him. It was all part of a ruse. Ducard was actually Ra. He had someone else assume his identity to protect him from being killed. The same way Padme' did in Star Wars. Not to regress to far.
arnisador said:
I didn't pick up on Victor Zsaz--who is he in the comics?

Zsasz was a character featured in the first four issues of "Shadow of the Bat", a story in which Batman is sent into Arkham. Zsasz is a serial killer who prefers killing with knives, and after each kill he scars his body with the same knife. If you look closely in the movie, you can see parts of his tally sticking out from under his neck.
I get more confused about the nature of Ra's al Ghul all the time! I had thought he had magical abilities of some sort.
not particularly magical, he kept reviving himself by soaking in Lazarus pits, allowing him to keep his youth, but eventually wittle away at his mind.
Saw the movie yesterday. Then came home and watched 1989's 'Batman' (Keaton & Nicholson). They sure have changed the way they make movies in 16 years.

Anyhow, I like the movie. It surely has an extra 30 minutes of material on the front end waiting for a 'Director's Cut'. I thought the telling of the story around Thomas Wayne's murder was much better in this film.

Christian Bale (is that his name?) did an acceptable job as Batman.
Michael Caine was really very good as Alfred.
Katie Holmes was horribly outclassed on the screen. There must be 100 actresses that could have done a better job.
But, Morgan Freeman ruled; he owned every scene he was in (except perhaps the last 'didn't you get the memo').

Go and enjoy.
michaeledward said:
Christian Bale (is that his name?) did an acceptable job as Batman.
Michael Caine was really very good as Alfred.
Katie Holmes was horribly outclassed on the screen. There must be 100 actresses that could have done a better job.
But, Morgan Freeman ruled; he owned every scene he was in (except perhaps the last 'didn't you get the memo').
I agree, especially that the future Mrs. Cruise wa sout of her league here. It was noticeable, too. Michael Caine was a pleasant surprise--I expected bad things when I'd heard he'd be Alfred, but it worked out OK.

My kids will surely want the DVD with whatever extras it has!

Chronuss, thanks for the extra info. on Ra's Al Ghul.
michaeledward said:
Saw the movie yesterday. Then came home and watched 1989's 'Batman' (Keaton & Nicholson). They sure have changed the way they make movies in 16 years.

Anyhow, I like the movie. It surely has an extra 30 minutes of material on the front end waiting for a 'Director's Cut'. I thought the telling of the story around Thomas Wayne's murder was much better in this film.

Christian Bale (is that his name?) did an acceptable job as Batman.
Michael Caine was really very good as Alfred.
Katie Holmes was horribly outclassed on the screen. There must be 100 actresses that could have done a better job.
But, Morgan Freeman ruled; he owned every scene he was in (except perhaps the last 'didn't you get the memo').

Go and enjoy.
"Have you ever danced with the devil by the pale moonlight?" Was talking with a friend of mine... he felt that the Tim Burton first Batman was more of "The Joker's" story and origins and how he was involved with Thomas' Wayne's murder, thus creating the catalyst of the creation of Batman... and so forth, rather than the origins...
Reading your post yeah now I can see that. Hopefully the dvd will produce extras and hopefully they'll be full of Wayne's MA training... :D

Definitely in agreement about Freeman... but then I haven't seen him act badly yet in any movie.
Hollywood1340 said:
Loved the movie, but people gotta learn how to edit fight scenes!!! I refer you to "A Perfect Weapon" Long shots, you're able to see what the charecter is doing and the lighting is good. You think, "Cool, kenpo.....oh hey, there's Grip of!" as opposed to 'WTF was that? He did this and that...and..he hit the ground..and...hmmm"
ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY!! My biggest point of contention with Hollywood is they couldn't edit a fight scene if it saved their lives. The poor choreographers work their balls off to put together some cool stuff only to have it chopped up so all you see is arms flapping! Makes me mad!


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