Ben Affleck is...the Batman.

just wrong, Suk. So wrong.

There were moments in the movie that were great. The sequence in the bar is great and was an example of how cool this COULD have been, had it carried through the entire movie:

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OK, maybe this is just a matter of a mistake in how it is pronounced. Maybe they meant AFLACK.
They could get the duck to play the part of the Dark Knight. Gilbert Gottfried could use a payday.

Hey, couldn't be worse than what they have planned. Just sayin'.
I liked the Daredevil movie but that fight in the park just screamed "we are actors with a few weeks of martial arts training," so it wasn't exactly the best part of the movie. I think they did a good job portraying his radar...
I just remembered that Ben Affleck is married to Jennifer Garner ... I don't think he much cares what we think :lol:.
I was thinking about the Daredevil fight in the park...part fight, part flirting...and thought that the scene between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt in Mr. and Mrs. Smith was so much better...and thinking of that scene led me to think...dump Afleck as Batman and get Brad Pitt to play him. I saw Pitt as Achilles in Troy and he managed to pull off the he would actually be able to do Batman and Bruce Wayne. He also can fight well for an actor...think fight club and Troy...

The thing I really didn't like about the Batman trilogy was the was always shot poorly and the compact techniques they used were poorly suited for a movie...the scenes were always too dark, shot too close, and the techniques weren't "big," enough for the big screen, they were also poorly choreagraphed...the only scene that wasn't bad was the one on the ice with the swords...that at least was well lit, well choreagraphed and suitable for a movie fight scene.

That fight with Bane in the last one...with all the fan boys drooling...was really disappointing.

I support Brad Pitt as Batman...he actually is probably the best American actor today...
I liked Christian Bale as Batman. I didn't care for the others, but I was still kinda young when the other Batman movies came out.

I liked Bale as Batman. I don't want to count out Affleck, but, I think some actor continuity would make for a better movie.

Look at the Avengers. True, the modern Hulk has had three different actors (Mark Ruffalo did it best in my honest and humble opinion), and the Captain America and the Human Torch -are- secretly the same person, but other than that they have had the same actors in all the Marvel movies as late.

Depicting Bale as the Dark Knight against the newfangled "Man of Steel" Superman would do wonders I think. Its much more believable.

Why isn't Bale doing it, anyway?


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous
Bale pretty much said he was done. I don't think that Batman could live in Superman's universe anyway, personally.
Captain America does okay in Marvels universe. So does Black Panther and lots of various heroes that lack traditional powers. I think Batman is gritty enough to do it. ;)


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous
I liked Christian Bale as Batman. I didn't care for the others, but I was still kinda young when the other Batman movies came out.

I liked Bale as Batman. I don't want to count out Affleck, but, I think some actor continuity would make for a better movie.

Look at the Avengers. True, the modern Hulk has had three different actors (Mark Ruffalo did it best in my honest and humble opinion), and the Captain America and the Human Torch -are- secretly the same person, but other than that they have had the same actors in all the Marvel movies as late.

Depicting Bale as the Dark Knight against the newfangled "Man of Steel" Superman would do wonders I think. Its much more believable.

Why isn't Bale doing it, anyway?


"A man who has attained mastery of an art reveals it in his every action." - Anonymous
at the time, everyone heard about his casting for the role and had similar reactions to those of hearing that Affleck is in the role. Here's a press release I stumbled on (thanks Google!) from back in 1988.

Sounds familiar, eh? But Michael Keaton was an EXCELLENT batman, IMO.

It's hard to know which Ben Affleck will show up, but the trick isn't going to be playing a good batman. The tricky part is whether or not Ben can play Bruce Wayne. Keaton was a great Bruce Wayne. So was Christian Bale. Val Kilmer and George Clooney??? Not so much.

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