Acupuncture has been around for over 1000 years, and pressure point striking for at least 700. Would they have this longevity if there was no value to them? They have been passed on by learned men: Imperial physicians and warrior priests who studied, and experimented on, human subjects (dead and alive).
So, my gut tells me there is something to it. The 2 hour cycles may be a little far-fetched, but is it possible some organs or areas are more vulnerable in the morning or night diurnal cycles? Doesn't one's blood pressure, digestion and other functions vary during the 24 hour day?
I remain open-minded on this subject.
Pressure points as a cause of temporary pain I'll buy. There are points where the nerves bunch up or are more vulnerable.
Pressure points as having some extra mystical effect is snake oil. Probably because people didn't know what nerves were at that point in time.