The Media and ‘Bullying’

Big Don

Sr. Grandmaster
The Media and ‘Bullying’
Written By : Thomas Sowell
Rightwing News EXCERPT:

Back in the 1920s, the intelligentsia on both sides of the Atlantic were loudly protesting the execution of political radicals Sacco and Vanzetti, after what they claimed was an unfair trial. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote to his young leftist friend Harold Laski, pointing out that there were “a thousand-fold worse cases” involving black defendants, “but the world does not worry over them.”

Holmes said: “I cannot but ask myself why this so much greater interest in red than black.” To put it bluntly, it was a question of whose ox was gored. That is, what groups were in vogue at the moment among the intelligentsia. Blacks clearly were not.

The current media and political crusade against “bullying” in schools seems likewise to be based on what groups are in vogue at the moment. For years, there have been local newspaper stories about black kids in schools in New York and Philadelphia beating up Asian classmates, some beaten so badly as to require medical treatment.

But the national media hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil. Asian Americans are not in vogue today, just as blacks were not in vogue in the 1920s.

Meanwhile, the media are focused on bullying directed against youngsters who are homosexual. Gays are in vogue.

Most of the stories about the bullying of gays in schools are about words directed against them, not about their suffering the violence that has long been directed against Asian youngsters or about the failure of the authorities to do anything serious to stop black kids from beating up Asian kids.

Where youngsters are victims of violence, whether for being gay or whatever, that is where the authorities need to step in. No decent person wants to see kids hounded, whether by words or deeds, and whether the kids are gay, Asian or whatever.

But there is still a difference between words and deeds — and it is a difference we do not need to let ourselves be stampeded into ignoring. The First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees freedom of speech — and, like any other freedom, it can be abused.

If we are going to take away every Constitutional right that has been abused by somebody, we are going to end up with no Constitutional rights.

Already, on too many college campuses, there are vaguely worded speech codes that can punish students for words that may hurt somebody’s feelings — but only the feelings of groups that are in vogue.

Women can say anything they want to men, or blacks to whites, with impunity. But strong words in the other direction can bring down on students the wrath of the campus thought police — as well as punishments that can extend to suspension or expulsion.

Is this what we want in our public schools?


But it will advance the agenda of homosexual organizations and can turn homosexuality into yet another of the subjects on which words on only one side are permitted. Our schools are already too lacking in the basics of education to squander even more time on propaganda for politically correct causes that are in vogue. We do not need to create special privileges in the name of equal rights.
Two things come to mind. First, that people who work in schools are concerned with bullying of all kinds, regardless of the demographics involved. White, Black, Latino, Gay... whatever.

Second, with regards to the media, they report what they believe is news AND will sell papers, generate traffic or get ratings. In this case, the tone is decidedly anti-gay, and it got you to buy in.

The title of this thread shouldn't be "The Media and 'Bullying.'" It should be, "We think gay kids are getting special treatment and we don't like it."
Well, nothing to add except maybe that 'news' is relative and truth optional - as well as the ability to write a coherent article.

But be assured, in time gays won't be en vogue anymore either.
Actually, it isn't that gay kids are getting special treatment and we don't like it, it is that Asian kids are getting the **** kicked out of them and no one seems to care or at least the main stream media doesn't think the story is important. That would be more accurate since I know that no one, especially people posting here on martial talk, or, actually, in the wider American community, wants gay kids to be beat up, or for that matter, any kids to be beat up, undeservedly.
Actually, it isn't that gay kids are getting special treatment and we don't like it, it is that Asian kids are getting the **** kicked out of them and no one seems to care or at least the main stream media doesn't think the story is important. That would be more accurate since I know that no one, especially people posting here on martial talk, or, actually, in the wider American community, wants gay kids to be beat up, or for that matter, any kids to be beat up, undeservedly.
The truth is that gay kids only make the news when they kill themselves. Harsh as that sounds, it's the way it goes. A gay kid gets bullied until he commits suicide. It creates a blip on the news scene. Another one kills himself and now we have a trend that the media can exploit for ratings.

The same thing happened a few years back when some girls got cyber bullied and committed suicide. And, again, as harsh as it sounds, if some Asian children are bullied to the point of suicide, rest assured, the media will milk it for every ounce of ratings and sales it can.

Bullying is a tough subject, and as I said before, people who work with kids are, as a group, worried about any bullying and don't think about it in terms of demographics. There are kids who bully and kids who are bullied. That's been my experience, at least.

For the agenda driven, right wing media machine, however, this is a common tactic. It's easy pickings.
"I love apples."
"What do you have against oranges?"
"Nothing. I just really like apples. It's a story about apples"

It's simple and can be done on any subject. If I say I'm against raising taxes for the middle class, you ask me why I'm not focusing on the poor. If I say I'm for funding public women's clinics, you ask me why I endorse abortions. If I highlight gay bullying, ask me why I'm not highlighting other kinds of bullying. It's a lazy, cheap tactic designed to prey on the ignorant and gullible.

One other thing, just to put it out there. Bill, Don, you guys don't give a damn about the poor Asian kids being bullied at school. Let's be real. You don't care any more than you care about the gay kids being bullied. It's just an expedient way to make a dubious point.

While I think we all agree that if there's bullying taking place to such a degree, they need help, you guys can't tell me that this was remotely on your radars. The only reason this is on your minds now is because a writer on your team posted an article on it and you're hoisting the flag.
One other thing, just to put it out there. Bill, Don, you guys don't give a damn about the poor Asian kids being bullied at school. Let's be real. You don't care any more than you care about the gay kids being bullied. It's just an expedient way to make a dubious point.

While I think we all agree that if there's bullying taking place to such a degree, they need help, you guys can't tell me that this was remotely on your radars. The only reason this is on your minds now is because a writer on your team posted an article on it and you're hoisting the flag.

damn, dude, I would give you some major rep points but the system says I gotta give them to some others first.

well said.
Well, nothing to add except maybe that 'news' is relative and truth optional - as well as the ability to write a coherent article.

Sadly the news stopped being the news when they had to worry about ratings. Things like truth were no longer important and things like advertising dollars rule the day. I dont think there is a real "news" source out there anymore. All have an agenda and are gearded to reach a certain demographic, and to make sure the money keeps flowing they try to act like the "Other" guys are bias.
damn, dude, I would give you some major rep points but the system says I gotta give them to some others first.

well said.

Same problem here.

I know that the site is a place to come to bang your favourite drum with people who 'know' you but I am getting tired of iterating that the endless political tide is driving people away. Yes, individual threads on political issues can be interesting and generate lots of posting (which is good for Cap'n Bob) but not every day and with every conceivable amount of topic/statement/sentence twisting to make a biased political point.
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Same problem here.

I know that site is a place to come to bang your favourite drum with people who 'know' you but I am getting tired of iterating that the endless political tide is driving people away. Yes, individual threads on political issues can be interesting and generate lots of posting (which is good for Cap'n Bob) but not every day and with every conceivable amount of topic/statement/sentence twisting to make a biased political point.

Yeah, this has gotten beyond stupid, beyond childish. The same people do nothing but troll for inflamatory, partisan bull-**** designed to stirr up an argument, rarely make any other kinds of posts in other areas of MartialTalk, and do nothing but push an agenda. It's gotten old. These people are nothing but trolls.
I've read this thing three times, and I'm still just as confused as the first time I read it. What exactly does victims of violence being hurt to the point they have to go to the hospital have to do with free speech?