The man or the myth



Do you believe Bruce Lee is the most gifted martial artist ever or can you think of any others that come into that category?
Bruce Lee was a very capable, very skilled , very intellegent martial artist, and fighter.

At least for me, I am hestitant to appoint any individual the title, "The Best" from that era many powerful and capable martial artists came, another big name being Ed Parker. These two men will go down in martial art history for their wisdom, power, and genious. You will have doubters, who will question whether Mr. Lee or Mr. Parker were as good as they say they were, but its easy to question someone who is dead.

Seeing videos, interviews, haveing heard stories from people who trained with both men, iIpersonally beleive both changed the face of martial arts as it was known, and their wisdom shaped the very systems we practice today.

but to be fair, they are by no means the only ones, Im sure all over the world there are Martial Artist who are continueing to shape the martial arts, and who will never know such popularity because they choose a quiet life of teaching.

in the end, they all deserve our respect.

just my opinion.

with respects,
your brother in the arts,
Phyl Parsons
Raleigh, NC
jjmcc said:
Do you believe Bruce Lee is the most gifted martial artist ever or can you think of any others that come into that category?
I believe Mr. Lee was probably the most widely known martial artist ever, and quite gifted. However to say he's the MOST gifted is ignorance unless you've known EVERY martial artist that has ever lived.
Agreed, I was going to say something similar

This reminds of discussions about 'best guitarist ever' or 'world best drummer'

It's not really answerable because their are so many ways to describe 'good' "Fast licks' 'versatile', 'use of harmony', 'rhythmic timing', do ou even describe 'best'?

And a lot of great musicians, for many reasons, never get beyond playing small clubs to a few dozen people, so finding the 'best' is impossible
I was gonna say something similar to what Fearless said...

Bruce was famous and made some entertaining movies. There is no doubt the man was in phenomenal shape. However, does that make him the greatest? If I remember correctly he only had something like 4 years of formal training. Of course, he dedicated his life to learning about martial arts developing his personal philosophy on the arts. Sometimes we associate fame with greatness. Yes, Bruce was famous and he was great, but just because he was the most famous, doesn't make him the greatest. What about some instructor that has been living, teaching, and training quietly for the past 50 years. Never written a book, never made a movie. This person will never be rich or famous, at least not from martial arts. But they are there all the same, everyday. To me, these people are the greatest martial artists in the world. My instructors, your instructors. They're the heart and soul of martial arts.
I would put my opinion in here, but most of you said what I was thinking, that Mr Lee was great but mostly, he was the most famous.
FearlessFreep said:
Agreed, I was going to say something similar

This reminds of discussions about 'best guitarist ever' or 'world best drummer'

Stevie Ray Vaughan was easily the best guitarist in my opinion. :)

As far as Bruce is concerned. He is the best martial artist that I have seen or heard of. But that doesn't mean a whole lot. Most people don't get the credit they deserve so their could easily be people out there who were better but just got shunned.
jjmcc go to the search engine here... type in Bruce Lee and read what comes up... it'll take you a while. :D

My opinions are included among those threads.

~nuff said
I know that there is many martial artists in this world that are gifted but are not publicly recognised like Mr Lee but when you look at a poll anywere like the hottest woman in the world do they go round every single living woman on this earth NO so why does it mean she is. Thats just the way it is. Because i understand everyones point of view would you like to use this thread to pay respect to any martial artist on this earth that has inspired you.

when you look at a poll anywere like the hottest woman in the world do they go round every single living woman on this earth NO so why does it mean she is.

No, it doesn't mean anything. It's a highly subjective judgement of a highly selective group of people. It means nothing to anyone with rational viewpoints of humanity.

No musicians I know take those 'best guitarist' polls serioulsy, *nobody* I know takes the 'hottest babe' polls seriously as meaning *anything*

The most inspirational martial artist, for me, is my own sabomnim, because he makes we want to work harder, he makes it all come alive. He's not the great on earth, or even in this city, so what's the point of discussing him with people who will never here of him

Bruce Lee has skill, he's fun to watch, as is Jackie Chan, but I don't even have enough experience to fully understand what I'm watching to really judge it as 'good' 'great' or whatever. The question becomes 'best at what'? Most of what you see them doing is highly choroeographed and arranged. Still a lot of skill, but is an amazing choreographed stunt by Chan any better than some guy nobodies ever heard of who can use basic techniques with speed and strength to disarm and disable three guys in an alley who want to kill him? I don't think there is a right answer to that question
Bruce Lee was entertaining to watch, and undoubtably dedicated to what he did and quite talented. However, I do not own any Bruce Lee books, I do not go around quoting his words, and I do not try to mimic him. He never had that effect on me. There is only one person who inspired me to go to the dojang every day and try to better myself in Tae Kwon Do and life. That is my Sa Bum Nim Grandmaster Tae Zee Park. Without his guidance I can't imagine where I'd be today. Can't say the same about Bruce.
Hello, Who's the best? Guess you could say during his life time...maybe one of the best then? There are many tatent martial artist around the world. Many who are not as well known. Bruce Lee was famous, but what about the many who may be more unknown but better? We will never know?

Mas' Oyama was a full contact type of fighter, fought over 100 black belts in two days, how many people can do that? He is just one the guys that comes to mind, as one of the best!

It is too hard to compare who is the best? for When? What about the old times from 1700,1800,and 1900 eras. We will never know about them?

I am sure there are many not as well known martial artist who could be on that list of who is the best!

Famous should not be the gauge to judge the best? Jackie Chan? Jet Li?

Only way is by a contest, but many are too old,gone,etc.

Just my thoughts and I could be wrong on my thoughts? ....Aloha
Bruce Lee, Ed Parker. Chuck Norris they all have there place in history. Mr Lee for his insight, Mr Parker for inventing modern Kempo and Mr Norris for Texas Walker, they all at one time or another have been beaten, to me the best Marial Artist is GOD for he gave us the gift of insight so we can evolve from a day to day routine. The one that mostly inspired me was my father for not for him I would know nothing.
FearlessFreep said:
when you look at a poll anywere like the hottest woman in the world do they go round every single living woman on this earth NO so why does it mean she is.

No, it doesn't mean anything. It's a highly subjective judgement of a highly selective group of people. It means nothing to anyone with rational viewpoints of humanity.

No musicians I know take those 'best guitarist' polls serioulsy, *nobody* I know takes the 'hottest babe' polls seriously as meaning *anything*

The most inspirational martial artist, for me, is my own sabomnim, because he makes we want to work harder, he makes it all come alive. He's not the great on earth, or even in this city, so what's the point of discussing him with people who will never here of him

Bruce Lee has skill, he's fun to watch, as is Jackie Chan, but I don't even have enough experience to fully understand what I'm watching to really judge it as 'good' 'great' or whatever. The question becomes 'best at what'? Most of what you see them doing is highly choroeographed and arranged. Still a lot of skill, but is an amazing choreographed stunt by Chan any better than some guy nobodies ever heard of who can use basic techniques with speed and strength to disarm and disable three guys in an alley who want to kill him? I don't think there is a right answer to that question
In the end i agree with all on this subject but i am not giving a personall opinion when i ask about mr lee or anyone else i am mearly asking if there is anyone who would like to put forward any martial artist that has been inspirational to them some people may believe that mr lee is the most gifted martial artist ever that is there opinion who am i to say they are wrong everyone is different but read the question and notice that im merley asking a question not giving my personal views...