Categorizing JKD

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I was just thinking, if I understand the origins of JKD it is from Bruce Lee observing other martial and putting what he already knew together with what he observed in order to make a more efficient martial art.

Not that I would classify it as such, but couldn’t it then technically be classified as MMA (a non-sport version if you will)?

Or at least put it in a similar category?
Xue Sheng said:
Not that I would classify it as such, but couldn’t it then technically be classified as MMA (a non-sport version if you will)?

Or at least put it in a similar category?

Well, MMA has become a rather specific type of training in the last several years, but yeah, some practitioners of JKD have been overheard by yours truely to refer to it as the origional MMA.

Not that I neccessarily agree with them. ;)
JKD was wing chun western boxing and fencing. Excerpts from these 3 were used in the development Of JKD. Now other arts such as Judo and jujitsu were looked at to and certion aspects added to JKD. Bruce also looked at several arts to see how JKd could best effectivly compare and how JKd could be utilized aginst these arts. Nonclassical combat modified Chinese Gung Fu was more what Bruce seen JKD to be. Sure As MMA gets a name now. JKD was somewhere to that thought In the 1960s But JKD has a format From the 3 arts mentioned. Some say JKD is not A M/A at all. But it is And it holds the strong Gung Fu influence to make it A modern nonclassical Gung Fu. But Each there own in thought If its not inline with what Bruce taught Its not JKD.
My personnal oppion is that nearly all martial arts are the philosophy(s) of the master who created it put together as a form of collective wisdom. The physical material is meant as a way for the students of the master to understand the material being taught. Jeet kune do is one of the styles that is a philosophy.
Hello, If you read about the history of most of the martial arts today...Everyone style is blend of each others. What Bruce Lee did is nothing new. There are many others who have done what he is getting credit for. So many other before his time mix other arts into theirs, ...research this..........Aloha
still learning said:
Hello, If you read about the history of most of the martial arts today...Everyone style is blend of each others. What Bruce Lee did is nothing new. There are many others who have done what he is getting credit for. So many other before his time mix other arts into theirs, ...research this..........Aloha
Its not that he did anything new. He even said nothing was new. It is how he put the method together and made it work. That seperates what is or is not JKD related. And JKd is nothing that is overly better, its how you get it working. The funny thing about M/A arts. the have so many names that people hold onto. liberate from the name and its just you doing what you learned to be able to do. Only then can you use what you do. If you study say TKD and learned it well does it have a name then its your expression of what you learned to do But its performed only in the way you do it its yours now No name no set approach but clearly the action inwhich you alone perform from your own thought at each moment. Like your job you do it as you know how to. A M/A is just a path of learning. be it JKD or TKD What you do from there is yours there are certion training methods to deal with the different aspects of attack and defence found in the different arts. And the Zen culture in each to aid in building a sound aproach. Some arts get you there lets say a little faster some arts deal a better method But in the end the person Has to find what they can do Some do it better some do not. What makes you improve is the method of which you learn and how well you can asorb what is showed or taught to you. Thats why perhaps there are so many M/A art out there Because people needed slight change to the training to better use the needed tools. Not that there are so many ways to kick hit or grapple its just how those ways are trained somewhat different in learning basicly the same that puts you into a better path of learning. JKD has certion core tools that work well And sets it apart from other arts. Is it better yes is not as good yes Because the person training in it has to get the different performance action working and let go of the name and just do what they do Some can some can not. And that goes for kenpo or any art We are not suited for just 1 way of learning