Yesterday, 11,000 steps and run through all kata I know once, frogg stand for 1 total minute
Too wet to walk, yellow weather warning in force
Warmup: I call it the karate technical warmup, which I'd like to share composed of:
General mobility: leg swings in all postitions and marching arms, until midly fatigued did 10 each
Initial pulse raiser: jumping jacks, until mildy fatigued, did 40
Specific mobility: knee raises, lying leg snaps, roundhouse chabers, roundhouse leg snaps, 10 to start with, aiming for 40-100 each eventually,
Final warmup: 3 turkish getups @ 10kgf, usually do stepping exercises as well but could not be ersed
Main workout:
I basically rotate through a very small number of exercises, once it stops working I will move on to something mildly more elaborate
ladder up to 8 knuckle pushups
5s itups
2 Turkish getups @20kg. the aim is to hit 5 reps a set rather than 5 total reps, then step it up to 25kg
2 Turkish getups @20kg
stretch round 1 composed of straddle position stretches, forward bend position streches, all held for 1 min, bound angle pose
kushanku, naihanchi, seishan, chinto, passai, taeguek yukj jang
1 Turkish getup @20kg
3x1 chins, 45 seconds rest between reps. The idea is to progress by graudally lowering the rest interval. This works great until you hit about 9 reps, which is my aim atm
Cool down: put dumbbells away, stretching round 2 composed of straddle position stretches, forward bend position stretches, bound angle pose, lying hero pose/seishan, downward and upward dog, all held for 1 min