The little gold star...

Did I miss this?

:-partyon: :drinky: :drinky: :-partyon:

I believe Steel Tiger has just scored...

:-partyon: :-partyon:

...his first, very well deserved GOLD STAR!!!

Could see THAT coming a mile off! :)

:highfive: :drinky: :ultracool :drinky: :highfive:

But wait, there's more!!!

:-partyon: :drinky: :drinky: :-partyon:

Congratulations to Xue on his FOURTH Gold Star...

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

... and to Shesulsa on her SIXTH!!!!

The Heavens are on fire with blazing rep-light!!

:highfive: :drinky: :ultracool :drinky: :highfive:

Another wave has just hit!

WAY TO GO FEARLESS FREEP AND STEEL TIGER- they just got their 1st stars!


:-partyon: :high5: :-partyon: :high5:
Let's see if I can get this right...

Congratulations on your first star, Steel Tiger!
:-partyon: :cheers: :highfive: :cheers: :-partyon:

Congratulations on your 4th star, Xue Sheng!!!!
:-partyon: :cheers: :highfive: :cheers: :-partyon:

And congratulations on your 6th star, Shesulsa!!!!!!
:-partyon: :cheers: :highfive: :cheers: :-partyon:

Congrats to Shesulsa, Xue Sheng,
and MT's newest luminary: Steel Tiger!!!

:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:

There might be more in the sky than stars, Horatio, but it's all we can see from here!!​
Congrats to Shesulsa on her 6th

Congrats to Xue Sheng on your 4th...

and Congrats to Steel Tiger on your 1st...
:-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon: :-partyon:
Congratulations, Xue Sheng and Shesulsa!!! :-partyon: :cheers: :highfive: :-partyon:

Looks like we may have to come up with constellations for some people, instead of just stars, Well done!!

Shesulsa on her 6th gold star!
Well done that girl!

Xue Sheng on his 4th gold star
Wel deserves Xue!

Feerless Freep and Steel Tiger on thier gold stars!
Keep posting guys, well done!
Out in deep space, star formation continues...

:-partyon: :-partyon:

HKphooey has now added...


...his own first GOLD STAR to the MT firmament!!!

:ultracool :ultracool :ultracool :ultracool

Well done, HKph!!

:highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive:

Congratulations, HongKongPhooey!!!
:-partyon: :cheers: :highfive: :drinky: :highfive: :cheers: :-partyon:

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