The Last Samurai

18 Days Left!!!!! Whooo-hooo!!!!:boing1: :boing1: :boing1: :boing1: :boing1: :boing1: :boing1:
10 Days Left Not Counting Today Til The Release Of The Last Samurai!!!!...
9 DAYS LEFT NOT COUNTING TODAY!!!! So, who's gonna get it the day it comes out...?

I know this might sound odd, but what about Peter Pan? Comes out the same day...I know they took too many liberties from the book, but it's closer than just about any of the other versions...maybe not Broadway...
ShaolinWolf said:
9 DAYS LEFT NOT COUNTING TODAY!!!! So, who's gonna get it the day it comes out...?

I know this might sound odd, but what about Peter Pan? Comes out the same day...I know they took too many liberties from the book, but it's closer than just about any of the other versions...maybe not Broadway...
Just for the record, I have preordered both!!!! :asian:
ah, a die-hard fan!!! I like to see that!!!

Oh yeah...

hmmm...well, it's been a few days...

:CTF:AHHH!!!! I'm not doing my Job...THE LAST SAMURAI IS OUT ON DVD...NOOOO!!!!...Ah, well, I went the day it came out at lunch time and bought it...along with Peter Pan. Nice day it was. HEHEHEH!!! IT'S OUT ON DVD!!! IT'S OUT ON DVD!!!!...HAHAHAHA!!!!

And I just love this movie...I haven't checked out the stuff on Disc two yet...maybe I'll go do that now...heheheheh:-partyon:
I got it.
Bit disappointed with the deleted scenes...was only 2.

Haven't watched the rest yet.
ShaolinWolf said:
:CTF:AHHH!!!! I'm not doing my Job...THE LAST SAMURAI IS OUT ON DVD...NOOOO!!!!...Ah, well, I went the day it came out at lunch time and bought it...along with Peter Pan. Nice day it was. HEHEHEH!!! IT'S OUT ON DVD!!! IT'S OUT ON DVD!!!!...HAHAHAHA!!!!

And I just love this movie...I haven't checked out the stuff on Disc two yet...maybe I'll go do that now...heheheheh:-partyon:
Got it too but my TV died and I can't afford to replace it for a couple of weeks!!!!Sucks huh? :asian:
Just rented it. Great movie, a little short though. Havn't seen deleted scenes yet.
I purchased the DVD Tuesday and saw the movie for the first time. I wish I'd gotten around to seeing it on the big screen (Randy-Master of Procrastination), but was pleased with the movie nonetheless. The scenery and action were excellent, and the acting was tolerable. As to the historical accuracy, well, that's not what I watch a movie for. This one is well worth purchasing for your collection.

BTW, I've seen references on this thread comparing the movie to Shogun and Dances With Wolves, but as I watched it, I couldn't help but be struck by the similarity to a movie called Last of the Dogmen (another film worth watching, IMHO).
I tried watching the History Special about it... with the same title on the History Channel last night...

VERY VERY disapointed.
I think it'd have been stronger if the rebellion hadn't meant anything to the powers that be by the movie's end. The fact that Cruise's character was able to wake the Emperor up and advance the cause kinda guts the whole progression of the film up to that point.

But at least that history channel special was there to bring people up to speed. Tom Cruise, the foremost authority on Samurai was able to explain the culture perfectly, and that summation, "Is it historically accurate? You decide when you see it!" ending really settled any other questions I may have had.
I agree with techno,i absolutely love the movie,i own it and think its great but the little history doco in the special features was quite dissapointing and i didntlike how they made a compacted version of the doco for the DVD...hmmmm.But hey i guess it cant all be flawless,the positives far outweigh the negatives.

I just love the seen where the Samurai led by Katsumoto ride into town and the whole town fall to their knees,great scene!
oh and when that loser general guy gets nailed with Cruise's airborne katana...(a little unrealistic but love it nevertheless!!!)