The Last Samurai

Originally posted by albert
The best movies DO have complexity in the characters. See Narc or Gattaca. And stop wanking.

Now it's best movies. The Last Samurai was fun, said nothing about it being nominated for best drama by a bunch of poeple who like to give themselves awards. There are a lot of forums here but not for people with sexual hangups so take your pills and call your doctor.
Originally posted by albert
The best movies DO have complexity in the characters. See Narc or Gattaca. And stop wanking.

Someone has issues. Maybe if you spoke with some civility to people you would have more friends and be able to get your point across with having to go to rude comments.
Robert: maybe if you learned proper grammar you would not appear to be an ***.

Take my pills and call my doctor..? Okay, let's be polite and respectful, but if you're going to break the rule at least do it in style. For instance, go **** your mother you scalawag.
Originally posted by albert
Robert: maybe if you learned proper grammar you would not appear to be an ***.

Take my pills and call my doctor..? Okay, let's be polite and respectful, but if you're going to break the rule at least do it in style. For instance, go **** your mother you scalawag.

Sorry for missing the word "out" in my sentence.

Further more, were does a neophetic panty-waste like yourself get off on being so rude to people who do not share your opinion. You didn't like the movie, we get it, enough said. If you can do better please show us instead of bitchin and moaning about it. Anyone can criticize something, it takes a special person to do something about it.
Originally posted by albert
Robert: maybe if you learned proper grammar you would not appear to be an ***.

Take my pills and call my doctor..? Okay, let's be polite and respectful, but if you're going to break the rule at least do it in style. For instance, go **** your mother you scalawag.

Scalawag? What are you a pirate? The other part- boring and lacks creativity- hear it on a daily basis at my job in one form or another.
Originally posted by albert
Robert: maybe if you learned proper grammar you would not appear to be an ***.

Take my pills and call my doctor..? Okay, let's be polite and respectful, but if you're going to break the rule at least do it in style. For instance, go **** your mother you scalawag.

Let's see, hated The Last Samurai, but at least we know you are obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean we got it now. By the way what is with weird comments? Got some kind of complex or something? If you want to discuss topics in here at least do so in an adult manner. By jumping all over people for their point of view is childish. As a matter of fact in your profile you have no birth date listed and you have your occupation as a student, that told me enough right there.
Please return to the topic and stop the prsonal remarks

Now I haven't seen the movie yet but look forward to viewing it to see a little action and some great costumes. I know i'll have trouble buying part of the plot but somre of the figures in the film are based on real people of the time and their disallusion with Japan letting the rest of the world into their island
I am sure when the DVD comes out they will have a section in the bonus features on what really happened in Japan at that time, and more about the real life Samurai, the one who the main character is modeled after. They had a little bit of the behind the scenes stuff during that show XMA.
Whilst perusing though Borders book store a few days ago (picked up "Marine Sniper" and Gredel: Black,White and Red) I saw the book "The Last Samurai" in Ethnic History section, not the historical fiction section. I wonder has anyone read it and how close is the movie?

In terms of action, scenery, costume and emotional inspiration this movie was top notch. I think that it didn't have the depth or character development of some other movies, but you can only pack so much into a couple of hours, or our society's attention span.

Between the XMA thing, the 15 behind-the-scenes I saw on Bravo and the National Geographic coverage, I'd imagine we'd seen enough of Mr. Cruise trying to achieve his own personal Scientologic version of Zen on film.
Just finally got to see the movie tonight with my Dad and loved it. Loved the action, the plot, the costumes, the swords.....everything- I also loved the concept of "living every breath"- Saw an interview with Tom Cruise and he was saying how playing this part in the movie had changed his life some in the living every day as it is your last aspect. We take too much for granted in this life.

:asian: :karate:
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Saw it and it is fantastic. All of it, event the acting. It is a must see!!!

Dan Anderson

From Beging to End it Was Awsome
There is a strong dose of orientalism in the movie (allthough probably less than Shogan) but since the movie is about a soldier who suffers (for lack of a better word) from orientalism, that is understandable. I'm not sure how they could have avoided that.

Anyway, I saw the movie thinking "Tom Cruise? Samurai movie? not a good start" but I was plesantly suprised. Don't go in thinking it is the best movie ever, but if you remain skeptical you wil probably enjoy it. I was a mess of tears at the end but thats just me.
Enjoyed the movie, the theme of Honor - Courage - Respect was clear throughout.

Was disappointed in the martial arts segments. I thought that some of the fight scenes were to fragmented and blurry. The big battle scenes were good though. I was looking forward to a more indepth showing of the training he was going thru, but it wasen't there. I think they kind of missed out on something good there. All in all, it's worth while seeing, just for the imprint of the above theme.

I give it 3 :asian: :asian: :asian:
I definately dug it. Just the embience itself was enchanting. The action was fun too. It was a little hollywood, but I guess a little of that is ok every now again.
i was on may way to see it but my date she waas having fun so we ended up staying in my car but i want to see it soon
I loved the movie...even though it was a sort of "Dancing With Wolves" meets "Shogun".

I mean...we have a suicidal Medal of Honor winning Civil War veteran cavalry officer who encounters a supposedly hostile culture and finds that it isn't as barbaric as has been described by others. He meets and falls in love with a woman from that culture, and then embraces the culture and its values...going so far as to dress as the locals dress and mastering their language. At the end he takes it upon himself to tell the world about the dignity of the people who have adopted him and their mistreatment at the hands of the government. The soldier's name is Kevin Cruise, or Tom Costner...or something.

The didn't explain the source of the hostility of the soldiers towards the young samurai whose top knot they cut off...the peasantry wasn't treated very well by the samurai. What goes around, comes around.

But none of that detracted from the movie to any great extent. It was a wonderful film.

