The last partial examination/test


Senior Master
The next sunday will be my last partial examination/tes for 3rd degree black belt, I am confident about my performance, this will be the last step in the second dan ladder and net july I will do my final test/examination. Right now I am calm but know nerviosism will be arise a few minmutes before examination.

My sambonim told me the moment I get my 3rd dan certificate I will become sabonim but as long as I know sabomin is a titlle for 4th dan and beyond, any how if my master wants to call me sabonim I am fine.

Wish me luck please cause big things are coming for old Manny, I can feel it.

Manny, you've got nothing to be nervous about.

As far as titles go...
Sabum means "teacher". It's not a specific rank. The suffix "nim" is an honorific, much like the Japanese "san". I think "respected" or "honorable" would be the closest translation into English. This is why a person might use the title "Sabum" or "Kwanjang", but wouldn't use "sabumnim" or "kwanjangnim" when talking about themself. You teach. You have your own classes at your instructors school. That makes you a Sabum, and from what I've seen of you, a Sabumnim.

Further, the title "Master" isn't specifically linked to a given rank either. In Korea, the concept of "Master" is very different from that of the Western world, and all Dan holders can be called Master. In KKW TKD, it's up to the Kwanjang to decide what titles go with what ranks.

[Edit] Before anybody feels it necessary to point out, I am aware that there are organizations (such as the ITF) that do specify that a certain title goes with a certain rank. My comments were intended for Manny, and specifically the KKW TKD that he practices.
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My sambonim told me the moment I get my 3rd dan certificate I will become sabonim but as long as I know sabomin is a titlle for 4th dan and beyond, any how if my master wants to call me sabonim I am fine.

Just smile and nod and accept the honorific :P
Some years ago I invited Nam Tae Hi to teach at my school when I was a 6th Dan. Invited anyone to attend. Because of who he was we had over 40 Black Belts from many schools and orgs. During the class he referred to me as "Master Weiss". when I had a chnace I advised the group that although flattered to be referred to as "Master" I had not reached the rank where that Title was accurate...... but I know not to argue with my senior..." which elicited some laughs.
Further, the title "Master" isn't specifically linked to a given rank either. In Korea, the concept of "Master" is very different from that of the Western world, and all Dan holders can be called Master. In KKW TKD, it's up to the Kwanjang to decide what titles go with what ranks.

And along those lines kwanjang does not neccessarily mean a grandmaster (7th dan and up) as many KKW TKD practioners would want to believe. I have a new Korean student, 2nd dan, who arrived from Seoul recently and she insists on addressing me me kwanjannim, even though I am a lowly 5th dan. She politely informed me I am kwanjang because I own the dojang in which I teach. I didn't argue, but I told her that is the title we reserve for my own teacher, a 9th dan. That teacher, by the way never addresses himself as grandmaster, and always signs "master" in his letters to students. It all gets very confusing sometimes.
And along those lines kwanjang does not neccessarily mean a grandmaster (7th dan and up) as many KKW TKD practioners would want to believe. I have a new Korean student, 2nd dan, who arrived from Seoul recently and she insists on addressing me me kwanjannim, even though I am a lowly 5th dan. She politely informed me I am kwanjang because I own the dojang in which I teach. I didn't argue, but I told her that is the title we reserve for my own teacher, a 9th dan. That teacher, by the way never addresses himself as grandmaster, and always signs "master" in his letters to students. It all gets very confusing sometimes.

Yup. Kwanjang can best be translated as "headmaster". Meaning the person in charge of a school. Like Sabum, it's not really a martial arts title.

Sent from an old fashioned 300 baud acoustic modem by whistling into the handset. Really.
All went wrong! It was the worst examination I have had on my entire martial arts life! but I learned some things afther all.

My last partial examination was not good, I think I was overconfident and a little cocky, the fact is I did not went to dojang in the last days because of my job and I was confident because of my two previsut test that I was ready for the lat one, doing poomsae (Taeguk 5,6,7,8, Koryo, Kungam and Taebeck) I was not in focus and confused Taeguk 6 with 5 and simply get shocked for a moment then in Koryo I was not focus again and well all the other taguks were fine, doing hosi sul and one steps I was fine, doing kyorugi I was too slow and out of time with my fisrt partner, with the socond one I did it more or less BUT in one of my strong points Kyumpa I felt dramatically, no matter how hard I tried my ti-chagui did not broke the 5 one inch thick boards, I made 5 atemps and the only thing I got was a very badly sore heel, my heel bocome blood pulp, the pain was killing and still trying and trying but the boeard did not break, I feelt I was pounding a concrete wall, so beacuse of my honor I only broke on board with a fist. Thanks god no broken bones but a very nast bruise and having intinflamatory and pain killers right now.

Yes I learned a lot, first I need to practice,practice and prtactice the forms and to not be so stupid to try to be so MACHO and try to beack things not as thick or hard LOL...

You stepped up. And went for it. If you didn't pass you will have another go.

I know a lot of guys who have tried and failed. There is no loss of respect for them that they did so.

Now heal up that foot and start training for the next one.
You have a great attitude about it. Use it as a learning experience to figure out where you need to grow.
I hope to be ok for the final test in about 15 days, this week I will rest for my feet and next week I will try to go dayly to dojang to practice all the taeguks need it for the test /5,6,7,8 Koryo, Kungam, Taebek) that's all I need and offcourse to get my guar high because in the test many people are coming for diferent parts of my country to test too and I want to preserve my theet LOL, Kyompa will be for my safety only two one inch boards per set.

Good luck Manny. We all get reminders that there's always more to learn. Keep training sir.

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Everyone makes mistakes some more than others i know last week in class I kept messing up in kobudo class (got moves in the forms mixed up and forgot which forms I was doing) but yesterday the instructor said I stepped up and did great :)
As long as you know what went wrong it can be fixed and will be a big achievement. Keep up the good work and don't lose confidence before you know it the examination will be good
Best of luck
Good luck. I'm sure your final test will go better. I actually test next year sometime for my third dan also but in itf Tkd.