Next sunday..... testing


Senior Master
Well, next sunday I will do examination, don't know of what because my next grade will be 3rd Dan but this will take maybe in two more years.

My sambonim told me all black belts will do test (examination) with the rest of the kups, the grand master who is coming to test us is Professor Ernesto Moran Saldivar sambonim of my sambonim, an 8th Dan Black Belt and one the more representative figures of TKD in my country.

Truth to be told since last july I haven't train in a regular way, my foot is ok because I have not put so much intensity on it and since last september I've been teaching only, I do little training in my teaching lessons but that's not half the exercise I have to do to be as sharp as I wanted.

Taebek is ready maybe not so polish but ready, one steps are ok, techs are ok, sparring.... mmmm not so well I will have to cover my face to not been caught by the young studs.... stamina is my worst part.

Any recomendation?

If all students are being "tested" maybe it is not your test but his test. The grandmaster may want to see if the instruction that is being given to you is up to his standards. As always do your best, it should be good enough, or you would not have been asked to participate.

Good luck and let us know how it went!
If all students are being "tested" maybe it is not your test but his test. The grandmaster may want to see if the instruction that is being given to you is up to his standards. As always do your best, it should be good enough, or you would not have been asked to participate.

Good luck and let us know how it went!

I have to asume it's a general test, my sambonim wants all the students together because as he says we are a tae kwon do family and grandmaster Moran is like our grandfather.

I will take it as you wrote and I will try to have fun and do my best, technically I am very well, physically not to well.

I want to ask to you guys who own dojangs, what's for the inbeetwen examinations of the black belts, I mean those examination amoung dan grades, some guy told me he has to make 6 or such examinations before to go for the second dan.

I have to asume it's a general test, my sambonim wants all the students together because as he says we are a tae kwon do family and grandmaster Moran is like our grandfather.

I will take it as you wrote and I will try to have fun and do my best, technically I am very well, physically not to well.

I want to ask to you guys who own dojangs, what's for the inbeetwen examinations of the black belts, I mean those examination amoung dan grades, some guy told me he has to make 6 or such examinations before to go for the second dan.


In KKW there are no official testings between Dan tests however like tip testing for Gups on there way to a change in Gup leversl there could be 5-7 little test or examinations this is to prepare for the main and final test. Tip testing or intermitent examinations help to insure that the quality of teaching is being done and to help advise the student what needs improvement before actual final test.

Black belts should not need this but if there is a large number of students intermitent examinations would help to prepare for the final test which is the only one on record with pass or fail grading to advance. A minimum 60 points out of hundred to pass which means becasue you may have problems in some areas due to some circumstances you could still pass but may get a caution or advice to improve in some areas.

Good luck I wish you could post your forms and one steps also how much breaking will you be required to do.
In KKW there are no official testings between Dan tests however like tip testing for Gups on there way to a change in Gup leversl there could be 5-7 little test or examinations this is to prepare for the main and final test. Tip testing or intermitent examinations help to insure that the quality of teaching is being done and to help advise the student what needs improvement before actual final test.

Black belts should not need this but if there is a large number of students intermitent examinations would help to prepare for the final test which is the only one on record with pass or fail grading to advance. A minimum 60 points out of hundred to pass which means becasue you may have problems in some areas due to some circumstances you could still pass but may get a caution or advice to improve in some areas.

Good luck I wish you could post your forms and one steps also how much breaking will you be required to do.

I guess I must perform taeguks 5,6,7,8, Koryo, Kungam AND Taebek, I will have to perform one steps and idan chaguis (long sparring), all the techs (defenses,stances,hand techs,kicks) plus free sparring and board breacking. Because of my ankles (I can't jump) my board breacking would be a combo of sidekick+back kick (yop chagui+ti chagui) or maybe an ax kick or hook kick+elbow or punch.

I guess I must perform taeguks 5,6,7,8, Koryo, Kungam AND Taebek, I will have to perform one steps and idan chaguis (long sparring), all the techs (defenses,stances,hand techs,kicks) plus free sparring and board breacking. Because of my ankles (I can't jump) my board breacking would be a combo of sidekick+back kick (yop chagui+ti chagui) or maybe an ax kick or hook kick+elbow or punch.

How about hands knife, fist, ridge, forarm, reverse elbow what type of material and how many? seems like alot for a non test? but if its more a reiview on you instructor you are assisting him in getting kudos or maybe some type of recognition for meeting master level instruction?Again it would be nice to see video posted of what ever you do.

You should feel good in doing your best with out injury to yourself at what ever level you are at at this moment in time thats how it is on the street use what you got and make it work. You may have better concentration and attitude than the younger ones that is important and in sparring even if they are same rank they should show respect for your age, take your time, conserve your energy cover up look for good oportunities make them jump around and burn out.

Look forward to hearing you did well.
Good luck Manny, your test seems similar to our third dan test. The only difference I see is that instead of one steps we have to put together our own self defence routine. It can be against multiple attackers, one attacker, can include weapons or whatever you want. Ive always found that sorting this part of my grading out is the hardest and most time consuming because our GM does not like it to look coreographed (even though it is), so basically it has to look real and in real time. Its good that you get to do a sort of pre-test so you can see where you are at, I wish I had the same opportunity. Good luck!
In KKW there are no official testings between Dan tests however like tip testing for Gups on there way to a change in Gup leversl there could be 5-7 little test or examinations this is to prepare for the main and final test. Tip testing or intermitent examinations help to insure that the quality of teaching is being done and to help advise the student what needs improvement before actual final test.

Wow, really?

At our club everyone literally just sits gup/dan tests, no intermediate ranks. That said, 9th gup is white belt-yellow tag, but it's not 5-7 intermediate tests between ranks - 9th gup is a rank itself.

Do clubs that do this normally charge for these "tip testings"?
I want to ask to you guys who own dojangs, what's for the inbeetwen examinations of the black belts, I mean those examination amoung dan grades, some guy told me he has to make 6 or such examinations before to go for the second dan.

We certainly don't, the tests are for dan rank.

The other option here (that doesn't seem to have been mentioned so far) might be for kwan rank? I know some people still have higher kwan rank than their kukkiwon rank.

Or it might just be to assess your instructor, but I'd imagine that could be done within a class training setting rather than needing everyone to test.
Manny, the best you can do is the best you can do. Don't worry about and just do what you know. Good luck!!
Wow, really?

At our club everyone literally just sits gup/dan tests, no intermediate ranks. That said, 9th gup is white belt-yellow tag, but it's not 5-7 intermediate tests between ranks - 9th gup is a rank itself.

Do clubs that do this normally charge for these "tip testings"?

In general no, tip testing we have a testing journal to 1st Dan that gives all the information related the association rules and regulations of the Dojang and competions, goals and mission statement then a page by page list of requirments for each of the 10 gups to black belt the tip testing would be for each of these requirements that can be broken down into 5-7 catagories each also list page numbers that refer to our text book now in its 8th edition with over 600 black belts. Tip testing should not be for income but to give incentive for consistant instruction of quality 1st Dan bb and gives realistic goals for self practice which seems to be something lost now days people think class is for practice it is not its for learning and conditioning if you are lucky enough to be taught by a quality master gm or other significant they should be able to teach you and improve what you have not go over and over repeating what you have already been taught.

People should be practicig one to one in time with class that means 4.5 hours of class whoud equal 4.5 hours of practice on your own at what ever location you can that is why we have one hour open practice before class starts.

Bythe way yellow belt is 10th gup and so on down to 1st? white belt is nothing but tip testing adds stripes to it to give white belts a feeling of progression but each dojang controls colors and gups
Bythe way yellow belt is 10th gup and so on down to 1st?

We do it as follows:

10th Gup - White belt
9th Gup - White belt/yellow tag
8th Gup - Yellow belt
7th Gup - Yellow belt/green tag
6th Gup - Green belt
5th Gup - Green belt/blue tag
4th Gup - Blue belt
3rd Gup - Blue belt/red tag
2nd Gup - Red belt
1st Gup - Red belt/black tag
1st Dan - Black belt

No tips or cho-dan-bo or anything.

Thanks for posting your information though, very interesting.
How about hands knife, fist, ridge, forarm, reverse elbow what type of material and how many? seems like alot for a non test? but if its more a reiview on you instructor you are assisting him in getting kudos or maybe some type of recognition for meeting master level instruction?Again it would be nice to see video posted of what ever you do.

You should feel good in doing your best with out injury to yourself at what ever level you are at at this moment in time thats how it is on the street use what you got and make it work. You may have better concentration and attitude than the younger ones that is important and in sparring even if they are same rank they should show respect for your age, take your time, conserve your energy cover up look for good oportunities make them jump around and burn out.

Look forward to hearing you did well.

Talking about hand techs for breaking I can use a knife and or a reverse punch using one inch thick pine board, talking about elbow two boards (same thickness) using side kick or back kick two pine board one inch thick each one, talking ax kick just one pine board.

Offcourse the young studs have a lot of respect for me, however doing kyorugi sometimes they forgot I am an old man jajajajajaja and kick my a...., however when this happens I chase them with a volley of kicks till I drop them :lol: hoeever I will have to watch my face you know s.... happens.

Well I really sucks in the side kicks of taeback. Last night I drop by the dojan just to have a full review of Taebak with sambonim, he asisted me and correctme some points but my sidekicks in this particular poomsae are horrible all the other moves and techs are pretty well.

I will try to not hyperventilate and focus on the poomsae and try to do my best, at the end maybe I will get the point of view of Grand Master Moran.

I did it!! Past saturday night was dificult to me, I couldn't sleep well because the nervous I had because the test and I had diarrea too, don't know maybe the nervs or maybe something I ate was not good.

I took a cold shower very early in the morning and ate a sandwich and go to test, the examination went well, I did my techs, my one steps and Taeguks 5,6,7,8,Koryo,Kungam and Taebak plus my board breaking using a turning back kick and an ax kick.

Nothing wrong but two mishaps on the taeguks that I quickly fix.

Afther test a nice seafood meal with Grand Master Moran and with all the black belt staff of Hwarang Tae Kwon Do.

And did you get anything? Kwan rank? Levels within a dan grade?

If not, did you find out why you were to test?

Congratulations and well done anyway mate :-)
And did you get anything? Kwan rank? Levels within a dan grade?

If not, did you find out why you were to test?

Congratulations and well done anyway mate :-)

Well firsth of all sambunim did not charge me a thing for the test (it cost around $40 american dollars) I think because I am one of his senior instructors, second I didn't get a thing, nor Kwna rank nor level or nothing.

What I got was a congratulations note of Grand Master Moran and a nice meal with my sambonim grand Master Moran and some guys of the dojang.

Something I must ad the examination show me a couple of spots where I must improve.

Well firsth of all sambunim did not charge me a thing for the test (it cost around $40 american dollars) I think because I am one of his senior instructors, second I didn't get a thing, nor Kwna rank nor level or nothing.

What I got was a congratulations note of Grand Master Moran and a nice meal with my sambonim grand Master Moran and some guys of the dojang.

Then that's a nice networking opportunity and experience that makes the test worthwhile.

Something I must ad the examination show me a couple of spots where I must improve.

That's definitely useful. Always good to know direction you need to go...
Manny, we had something similar when I was a gup student. We always had guest instructors (whom the students didn't know) oversee our belt tests. After all gup students had done their requirements, the black belts would be called up one by one to perform a poomsae of my instructor's choosing. The BB's never knew until they were called up what it was going to be. The BB's got nothing from it, expect the knowledge that they could do a poomsae well with little notice. It cost them nothing (expect wounded pride if they embarrassed themselves in front of their instructor & the guest judge). As a gup student, it encouraged me that our BB's worked hard & could demonstrate their skills under pressure on any given day.

I'll bet the gup students in your dojang look up to you in the same way.