The Journey

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Originally posted by GouRonin

If you look at the cover of the "The Journey" you'll not only see Ed Parker Jr's fantastic artwork but when looking closely you'll see that in that artwork is a watermark of his Dad's face, the late SGM Ed Parker.

If you look even more there is another face watermarked into the picture along with Ed Parker.

I have looked and looked and I must be blind cause I just don't see it :(

Gou, what's the russian under your name mean? I figure it's something about Systema, and how's the training going?


Thanks Gou, glad your back!! I read that story at the Kenpo school, it's posted on one of the walls. Another part of that story I liked was where it says about how the spetsnaz got to use all the gulag inmates for practice, how's that for serving your debt to mother russia. My instructor is going to Florida at the end of the month for a seminar at Lee Wedlake's school with Vladimir.
How long have you been doing the Systema? Me, it's only been about a month, but I'm still learning Kenpo as well though.

So that's why I can't see it, I'm not looking for tree's, I was looking for faces :rofl: (now staring at book like it was a 3d picture):erg:

In either case try and get a hold of "The Russian System Guidebook"

Yeah I have it, as I was leaving one night my instuctor threw it at me and suggested I read it as it would help explain some things.

My dance card is a little full right now, the Ballet

Had to have a little fun with that one Gou !!!:rofl: :rofl:

Understood Gou....:cool:

The videos you talk about, are those the knife disarm ones or are there some others too?

Enjoy your "ballet'" ;)

Ok, I found the faces right where dot said they were.

If we guess will you tell us if were are right Gou?

To me it looks like Mr. Trejo.....

To me, the eyes look like the one in the portrait that Ed jr drew at the begining of his "journey".

What other little tid bits about the book do you have?

Off to scan one more time and guess which is Elvis's body double so to speak. Wait I got it, Mr. Conatser :eek:


Well let's see, having big ole GD hunting me down, and testing all his years of kenpo on my poor little body..........Young Elvis!!!!

(but really, Old Elvis:D )

He (Ed Jr.) was also promoted and validated by Huk and he has a great amount of respect for Huk

I thought he was promoted by Ron Chapel, shows what I know. Maybe I should go back to school and learn how to read better.

How did you find out it was Huk Gou? Did you ask him or did EPjr tell you?

peace dog

It certainly is nice to see the kind comments from you all concerning the book. Many of you have expressed a desire to obtain an autograph for your book, well you do have a few choices...

1) go to a Seminar where the individuals are and get the book signed....
2) mail the book to each individual and ask for a signature (I'm sure all would be glad to do that) include reverse postage.
3) E~MAIL OR WRITE EACH and ask for an autograph in a return email or send a stamped addressed return envelope in which the honoree can autograph a piece of plain paper and you can insert it into "your Journey" until you can get your actual book signed.

How Bout that for an option!! (E~graphs or Mail~Graphs) LOL...... make sure you let everyone know where it came from please.

Love ya all!!

The Emperor, aka Goldendragon7, aka Mr. C, aka Big D,:D

Last I heard Bleecker was scraping the whole project. Unfortunate and sad. so hold on to the books you have there may not be anymore.

Much of the book was done via phone and tape-recording then transcribed to print. I caught the misspelling but the corrected version missed the press!! I will be corrected if there ever are future reprints of the book. :shrug:

I walked home from watching a movie at the church (St. Anne's) in which I was sweating when I left the church hall, took off my sweater and caught a cold walking home. For several days I had a sore throat and didn't drink any water..... until I went to pee and blood came shooting out..... I screamed and called my mother and she rushed me down to the hospital... my kidneys shut down. That was scary.... was in the hospital for 6 weeks. When I finally got out they told my parents I should move the wet climate would not be good for me. so in 1963 we moved to Arizona.

thats it.

Tom Bleecker and the honorees wrote the book. He sent out a questionnaire and all filled in the blanks followed by a phone tape session. then Tom transcribed what was on the tape and put it into print and then his publishing company...... Gilderoy published the book along with a forward by Joe Hyams.
I know of or have no political problems with anyone Down Under. The only 2 individuals that I know are Baron Jon Van Wijk (Sidney) and Lois Tomson (may have a different last name now)(Melborne) who used to be my student.

But I am on good terms with all as far as I know. I know of no struggles etc.

I'm a free agent just spreadin' the word. LOL

That she does teach...... but that is rumor....... I would be surprised if she didn't to tell you the truth. I have not spoken to her in about 10 years or so. I do know her ex husband and he has her contact numbers if you would like them. He lives close to me. Let me know.

why that should surprise you? Most top people in their chosen fields if they are worth a damn know all the main or key players and have worked with them at some point. There are very few of the "who's who" of Kenpo that I don't know or that don't know me.


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