GM Choi, Jung Hwa was elected in 2001 in Rimini, Italy while Gen. Choi was still alive. I wasn't there but, IIRC, he said he wouldn't run against his father and was only elected after Gen. Choi retired. Gen. Choi agreed to serve an additional two years and then his son would take over (this was also voted on and the then legal consul of the ITF stated it was within the bounds of the ITF constitution due to parlimentarian procedure).
Shortly after being elected GM Choi told the North Koreans that he welcomed them as a member nation of the ITF but that they would weild no undue political influence over the organization. Some people weren't too happy about this. Lots of pressure brought to bear on other people.
Gen. Choi then states that because of an impending ITF-WTF merger he would stay on as head of the ITF for a full six year term. GM Choi publicizes a communique from the Secretary General of the WTF saying there were no unification talks between the two organizations. This understandably irritates people to no end. GM Choi (and several of his supporters) are unceremoniously expelled from the ITF. GM Choi points out that this expulsion didn't follow the ITF's constitutonal procedure and so sets up a parallel executive in Canada as Acting President.
Meanwhile, Gen. Choi's health continues to deteriorate die to stomach cancer. He petitions both NK and SK to be allowed to enter the country basically to die. SK refuses, NK accepts. He goes to Pyongyang and enters a hospital. Several of his supporters witness him appointing Prof. Chang Ung, a NK IOC member, as next ITF President. Some supporters who were there have come out and said Gen. Choi was speaking very quietly and a NK interpreter was telling them what he said but none of them have disputed this appointment.
100 days after Gen. Choi's death there is a memorial service for the General. The ITF representatives who go to the memorial find themselves suddenlly the members of a "Special Congress" that is called to elect Prof. Chang Ung. There are disputes about whether or not there are enough members present for a legitimate quorum. There was certainly no advanced notice such as is called for in the ITF constitution. There are also people who have said that the election consisted of GM Rhee, Ki Ha intriducing Prof. Ung and the ITF members clapping as he was introduced and that was taken as unanimous consent of his election. Understandably, this iritates some people, so...
The ITF delegates return home and many of them decide that since this "Special Congress" wasn't in following with the ITF constitution they would have their own election at the World Championships that were to soon follow (though it should be pointed out that they were quite willing to accept the expulsion of GM Choi even though it didn't follow the procedures set out in the ITF constitution). In the interim Senior VP Russell MacClellan served as Acting President. At the WC a few months later GM Tran, Trieu Quan is elected the President of this group.
The rest is, as they say, history.