Some adventures... karate adventures in the words of someone I know! Wasn't really sure what I wanted to work on, so just let the environment inspire me hehe... I think just natural movement is what came to mind.
Really got quiet with myself, and tried to feel out the origin of technique... how it comes out from the centre, the limbs just being the vehicle for that projection of energy... and worked on Sanchin kata a bit too.
Being in the water really helps!
Main things I worked on:
-tsuki: worked on punches for ages haha, sooo many intricacies and subtleties to feel into. Used hip wobble but I felt that interesting 'sinking' downwards feeling I wanna explore more... toes were all engaged too and grabbed the ground.
-driving down and forward into oi tsuki.
-worked with those first few moves of Sanchin kata, what they are trying to convey, and added a bit more speed to it, I'd never tried that!
-impromptu combo that came to me, just to help that hip vibration into more whippy technique with the one arm. Exploring snapping out and pull back to the centre (uchi uke, uraken uchi, kizami chudan tsuki). I quite liked that... sending out and returning to your centre...
-Sanchin kata ..... in a cave!!! I love caves... there's something about them that's so otherworldly... as soon as you walk into one a great hush comes over you... the sounds of the wind and the water all fade, and it's like you've stepped into a sacred opening that no one ever knew about...
-Tensho kata in the water. I used to do Tensho every single day for about a year or two every morning, it's definitely a favourite. The quality of how I do it has changed. I like adding a bit more movement through the body to emphasise the circularity and rotation, but also the expansion and contraction. But I mix up what elements I'm trying to emphasise. Sosai Mas Oyama said this was the most important and indispensible of the advanced kata... I feel there's a truth to that, one I still have yet to find...
I rather thought that was fitting for each kata, Sanchin suited being in a cave, just like the fluid Tensho kata makes sense in the water.
Something which I noticed:
Sometimes things will jump out to me that aren't necessarily through karate practice, but that definitely inform it! I noticed that when I walked across the rocks on the beach, the feet naturally wrap themselves around all the indentations of the rock naturally, it doesn't force itself to be flat or strong, nor does it even prepare beforehand! As it contacts the rocks it just folds over and melts into the correct shape needed. I smiled at this... so much we try to force our karate to be a particular way or shape, and push it out with ambition and excess tension in that effort... walking on rocks barefeet reminded me how gentle and effortless things can be, all the while still living the function perfectly without angst.
Sanchin kata in a cave
Tensho kata in the water
Sanchin kata remnants haha