Kagami Biraki


Senior Master
My own solo Kagami Biraki the other day, first training session of the year. Was cool being "across the pond" from the mountains where I filmed my adventure on one of those peaks last year. Hoping to organise a proper group Kagami Biraki at the beach this month! There is also one of my old Kyokushin families who do theirs at 5:30am, and with conditions very similar to how Sosai Oyama would have done his. Hoping to attend this if they do one this year.

The phrase ā€œkagami birakiā€ literally means ā€œopening the mirrorā€ but more figuratively refers to a ceremonial resumption of activities; focusing the attention of students on renewing their spirit and commitment to train hard for the coming year. Generally not a session focused on technical detail but on a hard basics session with plenty of spirit.

Have always loved this idea... as a way to start fresh and dedicate yourself to the year. Just wondering if any of you do anything similar (whether in your dojo or just solo)?

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Our dojo gets together (this saturday morning in fact) to hold a Kigami Biraki. Our dojo has many different Japanese arts. We beging by cleaning the dojo within an inch of its life... then each art gets to give a short presentation of who they are and what they study, followed by a demonstration. That is followed by a pot luck lunch.... Lots of fun and great to get together with all the other arts for this rededication.
Our dojo gets together (this saturday morning in fact) to hold a Kigami Biraki. Our dojo has many different Japanese arts. We beging by cleaning the dojo within an inch of its life... then each art gets to give a short presentation of who they are and what they study, followed by a demonstration. That is followed by a pot luck lunch.... Lots of fun and great to get together with all the other arts for this rededication.
I LOVE that, what an awesome idea. Enjoy the day :)
Just organised a group Kagami Biraki with my dojo mates at the beach this weekend :D.

Our dojo isn't really near a beach so don't generally have annual beach sessions which I just love doing... so I thought.... well... why don't I just organise one???

Should be fun, I've never really run a class on my own before, but have got some ideas that I'd love to introduce and work with. Nervous and excited :)
Thereā€™s something special and dare I say spiritual, about training in the early morning by the sea/in the mountains.

Enjoy your re-enthusing session and post some more photos.
Thereā€™s something special and dare I say spiritual, about training in the early morning by the sea/in the mountains.

Enjoy your re-enthusing session and post some more photos.
Yeah there really is... like you're connecting with the life that's awakening and moving everything. Funnily this was a late evening session but it does look like morning haha. Thank you I will :)
Here is a picture of all the instructors that participated in our Kigami Biraki this year:


It was not at the beach, but at our dojo.... but it was in the morning....

Each one of us gave a short history about our art, and then a demonstration of the art. There were students from all the arts in attendance... and food afterwards.
Here is a picture of all the instructors that participated in our Kigami Biraki this year:

View attachment 29479

It was not at the beach, but at our dojo.... but it was in the morning....

Each one of us gave a short history about our art, and then a demonstration of the art. There were students from all the arts in attendance... and food afterwards.
That's fantastic, what a great event and so nice to see martial artists coming together in the spirit of sharing :)

That reminds me, I forgot to post about mine haha
We had our Kagami Biraki session last week, it was just wonderful :). Not everyone could make it so there were only 3 of us. It was a beautiful beach and nice enough weather, and it was my first ever class I ran. It went SO well, and we trained for almost 2 hours, and I still didn't get through everything on my list haha.

They were very open to some of my hippy dippy ideas and enjoyed the training very much, a great day!!

Block out faces as wasn't sure if they wanted posted!

You canā€™t use the phrase ā€˜hippy dippyā€™ without elucidatingā€¦cā€™mon, spill the beans!

I have a bit of thallasophobia, so seeing that raging see behind you, sets me off a bit! šŸ˜³
You canā€™t use the phrase ā€˜hippy dippyā€™ without elucidatingā€¦cā€™mon, spill the beans!

I have a bit of thallasophobia, so seeing that raging see behind you, sets me off a bit! šŸ˜³

Haha, just some elements that may not get talked about often: connectivity with the ground, expansion/compression, relaxed natural movement, receiving/absorbing, axial elongation, all technique moving from and returning to your centre, kinetic wave, breath, zanshin/awareness/perceptive qualities and mindful approach etc etc.

Ah wow didn't realise! Yeah interesting how the ocean evokes different senses/feelings in us!
Haha, just some elements that may not get talked about often: connectivity with the ground, expansion/compression, relaxed natural movement, receiving/absorbing, axial elongation, all technique moving from and returning to your centre, kinetic wave, breath, zanshin/awareness/perceptive qualities and mindful approach etc etc.
Oh these are wonderful things. I think this sort of knowledge is, to the detriment of the art, omitted from teaching the martial arts probably because the teacher is unaware of them or unable to articulate them. Well done!
Ah wow didn't realise! Yeah interesting how the ocean evokes different senses/feelings in us!
When Iā€™m on the calm blue ocean in a kayak, or swimming (poorly) enjoying the views and sensations, I start thinking of what ā€˜lies belowā€˜. Creatures grotesquely morphed by abyssal gigantism, the kraken, megalodon. Then I think of enormous shipwrecks and scuttled oil rigs and submechanophobia is triggered! šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚ I put it down to watching ā€˜Marine Boyā€™ as a child on Saturday morning TV and some Ray Harryhausen film in which a giant crab emerges from the sand and chases the films protagonist! Luckily, I can control my breathing, calm my heart rate and reason with myself and the sensation ebbs away - martial arts and meditative training!

Oh these are wonderful things. I think this sort of knowledge is, to the detriment of the art, omitted from teaching the martial arts probably because the teacher is unaware of them or unable to articulate them. Well done!
Thank you! Am by no means highly proficient in any of this, but I've been exploring it all with rigour (under instruction) and it's been so very rich and fruitful... it all just makes sooo much sense to me on a level I can't explain, so it's been well worth delving into.. and sharing where/if I can.
When Iā€™m on the calm blue ocean in a kayak, or swimming (poorly) enjoying the views and sensations, I start thinking of what ā€˜lies belowā€˜. Creatures grotesquely morphed by abyssal gigantism, the kraken, megalodon. Then I think of enormous shipwrecks and scuttled oil rigs and submechanophobia is triggered! šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚ I put it down to watching ā€˜Marine Boyā€™ as a child on Saturday morning TV and some Ray Harryhausen film in which a giant crab emerges from the sand and chases the films protagonist! Luckily, I can control my breathing, calm my heart rate and reason with myself and the sensation ebbs away - martial arts and meditative training!
Wow yes that's understandable! My partner is similar regarding the potential "things" in the ocean!
Thank you! Am by no means highly proficient in any of this, but I've been exploring it all with rigour (under instruction) and it's been so very rich and fruitful... it all just makes sooo much sense to me on a level I can't explain, so it's been well worth delving into.. and sharing where/if I can.
You're a true 'seeker'! When I was doing Karate, i found it lacked a lot of this stuff, directly so I started reading it with regards other arts such as swordsmanship and realised they were completely transferable.

If you're at all interested, _Simon_, I wrote delivered a lecture on the neuroscience of Breathing/Zanshi/Mushin/Enlightenment and I'd be happy to share the Powerpoint with you.

Wow yes that's understandable! My partner is similar regarding the potential "things" in the ocean!
Well now your partner can put a name to it and feel special, as I do!
Oh these are wonderful things. I think this sort of knowledge is, to the detriment of the art, omitted from teaching the martial arts probably because the teacher is unaware of them or unable to articulate them. Well done!

When Iā€™m on the calm blue ocean in a kayak, or swimming (poorly) enjoying the views and sensations, I start thinking of what ā€˜lies belowā€˜. Creatures grotesquely morphed by abyssal gigantism, the kraken, megalodon. Then I think of enormous shipwrecks and scuttled oil rigs and submechanophobia is triggered! šŸ˜„šŸ˜‚ I put it down to watching ā€˜Marine Boyā€™ as a child on Saturday morning TV and some Ray Harryhausen film in which a giant crab emerges from the sand and chases the films protagonist! Luckily, I can control my breathing, calm my heart rate and reason with myself and the sensation ebbs away - martial arts and meditative training!
Strap on some SCUBA gear and go take a look at the incredibly cool stuff that is ACTUALLY there, and it might help with the irrational fear of what ISN"T there.

Also, recall that kayaks and swimmers are at a very very low risk of being bitten by a shark. Divers are at a risk that's pretty much non-existent. Leave the surface behind. Get down on the bottom. Where it's safe!
You're a true 'seeker'! When I was doing Karate, i found it lacked a lot of this stuff, directly so I started reading it with regards other arts such as swordsmanship and realised they were completely transferable.

If you're at all interested, _Simon_, I wrote delivered a lecture on the neuroscience of Breathing/Zanshi/Mushin/Enlightenment and I'd be happy to share the Powerpoint with you.

Well now your partner can put a name to it and feel special, as I do!
Yeah for sure, and in my search for a new dojo I couldn't expect any of them to share that trajectory or interest, nor lump that responsibility onto the instructor, so I found it's very just going to be a personal journey and using karate as a vehicle or medium to explore that.

Oh that'd be wonderful, would love to see it, thank you :)
Yeah for sure, and in my search for a new dojo I couldn't expect any of them to share that trajectory or interest, nor lump that responsibility onto the instructor, so I found it's very just going to be a personal journey and using karate as a vehicle or medium to explore that.

Oh that'd be wonderful, would love to see it, thank you :)
Send me a personal message and Iā€™ll then with you via google drive.

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