The Ides of March

Rich Parsons

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Ceasar was assinated on the Ides of March.

One of the Grand Visor's of Suleyman the Magnificent of the Ottoman Empire, a childhood friend, was also killed or found strangled on the morning of the 16th or March.

The Ides was to be at one time the equinox, and then it became the 15th of March. Some of the rites of the Ides was to forcast the upcoming year, and or the beginning of the new year.

A side note, the English cultures/societies have April Fool's Day. This was the first day of the first month after the equinox, where a nature followers would dance through the streets naked in celebration of the beginning of the new year. Those not believing in this faith, called them fools ;).

What else can anyone educate me on the Ides of March, the Equinox, or April Fool's Day?

Rich Parsons said:
Those not believing in this faith, called them fools ;).

What else can anyone educate me on the Ides of March, the Equinox, or April Fool's Day?



One of the major smear campaigns that those of the faith (nice phrasing) in power was an attempt to recruit/retain/restrain the peasant, and sometimes the aristocracy, by discouraging participation in these pagan rituals. It was a hard thing to compete with food, sex and other orgy-fests of inhibitions. Interestingly, most of the Christian observance dates (primarily Catholic) coincide with Judeo/Pagan rites. I suspect it was a way of letting the locals keep the season while injecting a Christian spirit to it.

I am sure that this is no surprise to you, but things like spring rites and fertility rituals (easter bunny and such) acknowledged the power of a balance between masculine/feminine 'nature' religions. The Church, as a political power which was promoting self sacrifice in the forms of celibacy and poverty, was was working hard to supress any such celebrations because it competed with the Masculine Trinity image they were promoting.
As I recall, our current western calendaring system evolved from the Roman Empire. Originally, there were 10 months and each of these months had only three named days; Kalends, Nones, and Ides.

Kalends was the first of the month.
Nones was the eight of the month.
Ides was the thirteenth of the month. (except in March and September (I think)).

All other days in the month were listed as before these days. Something like 'Two Days before Ides' (two days before the 13th, thus, 11th of the month.

Julius Ceasar, and Augustus Ceasar divided the calendar into 12 months, adding July & August.

Hmmm ... lets see ... anything else .... (Not bad for 20+ years since my last Latin class).

Ooops ... searched the web ... found a bit more accurate information here.

Enjoy - Mike
Tis my birthday as well as Hu Ren Qianzai Long dcence ALPHA MUAY THAI BOY.
some how my nineteenth birthday is just kind of there.

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