It's not always a rational discussion. Some members of one side of the debate ignore the reality of illegal weapons smuggled across the border. Those who argue passionately for the other side conveniently forget that many weapons used in crimes or seized by officers from criminals were once-legal weapons that were stolen, lost, unsupervised, etc.
You've just proven the point that I have been making all of these years, that it's not a weapons issue, but rather, a cultural issue.
Bad people are going to do bad things, regardless of what methods are available to them. Even in a world of pink unicorns, where firearms somehow magically disappeared, there's always someone who will use another method, such as the one used in the Bath school massacre (truck loaded with explosives).
Law abiding citizens are not the problem, since they obey the laws. Law abiding folks tend not to go out and slash people with knives. They tend not to rob other folks at gunpoint, or engage themselves in drive-by shootings. Nobody can dispute this fact, that law abiding folks generally obey the laws.
While there may be an occasional bad apple in the bushel, it's foolish to assume that the bad apple represents the overwhelming majority, despite what a sensationalist media may tell you. If the media's portrayal of such situations were really valid, then one would have to think that Israel is a land filled with constant rocking explosions, bombs, etc., when in reality it's actually a really nice place to visit.
Reading the article I don't see how relaxing gun laws makes the situation less violent, nor how presence of legal firearms would make anyone significantly safer.
Yet, how will it make things more violent? Criminals already have weapons, including firearms. They are going to cause problems, no matter how strongly you decide to punish the law-abiding citizens for crimes that were committed by the criminal element.
The flawed argument used by the gun-grabbing crowd, where they assert that the streets will be flowing with people who are going to kill each other with their new weapons, is complete garbage. Having anything potentially dangerous in your possession doesn't change who you are.
Even here in the "violent USA," I'm still waiting to see the waves of shootings committed by law-abiding, concealed firearms permit holders, that the gun-grabbers predicted would occur. Certainly there have been a few isolated incidents, but if you look at the crime rates amongst concealed firearms permit holders, versus the rest of the populace, you'll see a significantly lower crime rate amongst them.
Having potentially dangerous items in one's possession doesn't turn them into killers. It's not a weapons issue. It never has been, and never shall be. It's a cultural issue, plain and simple. Good people obey the laws, and abide by moral standards. Bad people don't.