The First Step in a Long BJJ Journey

Julian Figiel

Yellow Belt
Hi! My name is Julian, and I'm 16 years old.

Today I just took my first real BJJ class! I have probably taken about 5 classes before, but those were 'teens' classes, and I simply feel that the adults class I took just a few hours ago was the real first step.

I'm sorry if the more experienced BJJ practitioners are growing tired of hearing beginners get all excited about starting, but I am just in need of some help.

I used to come into my 'teens BJJ' class acting like a bit of a hotshot - I'm not a bad kid; I am extremely respectful to all around me (I think!), I just feel strange because now that I'm in a class filled with even more white belts, green belts, blue belts, and even a few purple belts! I am not that great anymore; In fact, I am at the very bottom of the ladder. I have a long way to go, but I know I can do it, I love this sport!

I am collecting advice I have received from people and other resources. This is what I so far:

  • Go to class consistently.
  • Tap often.
  • Set goals.
  • When sparring, have a fight plan.
  • Fight with good posture.
  • Take risks and attack!

Do you agree with these tips? Are there any you could add?

Thank you for the help!
Green belts in a BJJ class? Who is your teacher?

Oh and congratulations on your training!
My dojo is actually quite a well-known one: TorontoBJJ. It's by far the best in Toronto, and I am glad to be there. One of my teachers is a Black Belt, I think his name is Jorge, and the other is Brown Belt, whose name I do not know.
My dojo is actually quite a well-known one: TorontoBJJ. It's by far the best in Toronto, and I am glad to be there. One of my teachers is a Black Belt, I think his name is Jorge, and the other is Brown Belt, whose name I do not know.

Hi Julian,

They've got a great lineage (and a nice user friendly website). Who cares what colour belts they incorporate into their syllabus?

Hope you have fun and keep going.

All the Best,
You sound pretty excited. That's great. It does look like you've found a good school.

Of all of the things in your list, I'd say consistency is the key. Train at least 3 times each week, if you can. 4 or 5 if your body lets you (and at 16, you're probably good).

One other thing is, while attacking and taking risks is great, but there's a time to slow down and pay attention to the details, too. That comes with time.

Take some time to read through Slideyfoot's extremely comprehensive beginner's FAQ.

It will help you get the most out of your training along with helping you become a valued training partner. :)
Congratulations mate! Down get too down that everyone is better than you, I'm 10 years your senior and I'm a white belt at the bottom of the ladder too, I wish I'd started at your age. Just train hard man and one day youll be one of those seniors taking a 16 year old through his first class.

Good luck to you mate

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