BJJ Banter Thread


Orange Belt
You know, I have often wanted to just chat about how a class went, or chat about a technique, or just about people in BJJ in here goes :D

Tonight had a great class working from the guard on a new sweep to me...sorry don't know the name...went into 3 different finishes from the sweep based on the counter/resistance you I love that about bjj!

Then rolled for almost 30 minutes with a fellow white belt...small guy (I'm not tall, but just over 200 lbs.) and really got a good work forearms especially just trying to hold on to him and slow him down. Came out at pretty much a draw, he submitted me once when I tried something new.

All in all, a good night!
Man it sounds like you had a great workout. I always like to see my Judo guys tearing it up. I make them do a ton of ground work. It is good for the soul.
Sounds like fun. We worked basics. Our coach saw some things at the last tournament, so we went back and reviewed some fundamentals.

I got to run warmups, so we did a lot of coordination drills. I like watching the guys move like iguanas. :)

I took a ring for sparring, so the white belt and a few blue belts cycled through but I got close to 30 minutes straight sparring. I worked on half guard.

Oh, had two guys take first and second at the tournament, so they rolled for it in class. All in all, it was a great class.
Last night was awesome...chaining techniques around the omoplata (my arms/elbows are sore!)...then got to roll with a first timer white belt (just made it to the advanced classes) and went right from that to a purple was a great night!
What kind of techniques are you working off of the omoplata?

We went into an omoplata, the guy counters by rolling before you get a hand over the back, you put the leg across, grab the arm as he rolls into you and go right into another omoplata. This time he tries to turn square to you and you pull the arm across, lock in the leg over the back of the neck and move into a triangle. From there, if he raises the leg opposite the arm stuck in the triangle, you pivot your head to the leg and switch to an arm bar. If he raises the other leg, you swing right back into an omoplata. rinse. repeat. :D

I don't know if that paints enough of a picture for you to see what we did, but it was cool, and not too hard to pick up. The focus of course was to get used to moving from one technique into another as your opponent counters or resists you.
We went into an omoplata, the guy counters by rolling before you get a hand over the back, you put the leg across, grab the arm as he rolls into you and go right into another omoplata. This time he tries to turn square to you and you pull the arm across, lock in the leg over the back of the neck and move into a triangle. From there, if he raises the leg opposite the arm stuck in the triangle, you pivot your head to the leg and switch to an arm bar. If he raises the other leg, you swing right back into an omoplata. rinse. repeat. :D

I don't know if that paints enough of a picture for you to see what we did, but it was cool, and not too hard to pick up. The focus of course was to get used to moving from one technique into another as your opponent counters or resists you.
That sounds like a great drill. I can totally see it.

We work a similar lockflow. Those are great for muscle memory and developing trigger techniques. Sounds like fun. I'll be going back to class tomorrow night.
Good night tonight, working on defending and passing open guard, and attacking the straight ankle lock with really good technique, good night!
Tonight had another great workout working on judo style throws and take downs. Worked a couple of ankle picks and hip throws before moving on into live training. Once in live training, got my back side handed to me by a much smaller blue belt who I used to be a lot more even with. Very good experience for me, reinforcing I need to keep focusing on technique every single night!
You guys should know that I will just keep posting here, whether you join in or not, so you may as well (thanks to those who have participated) :D

Tonight, awesome! Worked on taking the back and then finishing. Areas I struggle in, so it was great to continue to work those drills and techniques. Rolled with a blue belt who recently choked out (as in asleep) a brown belt...and I stayed awake, only got submitted once, so I felt good about that! All in all rolled for around 30 minutes tonight, and now my arms are lead so I'll just wrap this up.

Tonight was working from knee on belly and then taking the back from 3/4 mount. Good workout, but my wrist is hurting so I didn't have the focus I like to have. After that I rolled with the biggest guy in the room, a blue belt, I feel like I just keep getting more calm each time I roll, so I just gotta roll more!

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