Master Black Belt
Speaking for my own opinion only, I think spanking for a young child is a viable option if discipline is employed by the parent in when and how to use it. Some children are either too young for discussion to work, or too defiant for less invasive punishments to have any effect.
I don't think, however, that it's necessary. Should the parent decide, there are other means of enforcing discipline (denying privileges, extra work around the house, scare tactics) that don't carry the same risks as spanking does. Personally, I would prefer not to use spanking if I should be lucky enough to ever raise a child. I think that the "run amok" examples people use to argue that spanking is necessary are examples where no form of discipline was used at all.
Spanking in and of itself I don't like, but I really don't have a problem with per se. The undisciplined use of it by irresponsible parents who just want to enforce their will rather than actually discpline their child is of much more concern.
The use of "scare tactics" (whether it's cancelling playdates, taking away privileges, or getting a spanking) is only effective as a parenting technique if you follow through when challenged; otherwise kids will quickly learn that there's no bite behind your bark, and will further defy the rules. I've seen it happen. On the other hand, when my wife or I threaten a punishment of any kind to our daughters, we're taken seriously because we've been very consistent in following through. The corollary of this, of course, is that you have to be careful to never threaten something that you can't/won't follow through with.
With my preteen, I am finding that pushups for serious transgressions can be fairly effective as well, to steal a bit of discipline directly from the dojo (less a punishment than a reminder, and hey, it makes her stronger at the same time).