Originally posted by Ken JP Stuczynski
Chi IS measurable with scientific equipment. A couple of years ago, they actually discovered electromagnetic energy flowing through the body in specific paths.
"Coincidentally" the paths were identical to the chi meridians in Chinese medicine.
<sarcasm> But of course, it must not have existed before then because no one could PROVE what the Chinese knew for millennia. </sarcasm>
Relax there buddy...I am not trying to say that things don't exist if I don't "see it" or that I won't believe something until Modern Science can "prove it." Remember, I am one of the ones on this thread who believes that Chi exists.
In fact, it seems evident to me that there are a lot of things that eastern and indigenous medicine and healing methods seem to address that western medicine doesn't, and there are a lot of phenomenom that modern science hasn't been able to fully explain.
However, what I do get tired of is stuff like the Chi master who does things like "throwing" a willing student without touching them physically, and then goes on to use the arguement that "Some things western physics will never understand" because they want us to believe that what they are doing is "beyond the physical." This is crap. If the effects are physical, such as the person is being projected accross the room, then these physical effects should be measureable somehow, in a consistant fashion. Even if Modern Science is far behind ancient eastern thought in regards to the subject, that doesn't mean that we should take physical effects on "faith alone."
Even though I believe that they are 2 different subjects, I'll use religion as an example. I believe in God. This is a belief about the metaphysical that cannot be physically proven or disproven. But, now lets say that I believe that a certian minister has been given the gift to perform miracles, and that he can heal peoples illnesses by touching them. I have now crossed the line of "faith" and "metaphysical" into the "physical." If someone can perform miracles, which is a physical result, then we should be able to prove with at least one of these miracles that it at the very least defies Modern Medicine.
See what I am saying? If Chi is only a metaphisical notion that makes people feel better about the world around them, then I can't sit here and try to ask for "scientific proof." But, since people who believe in Chi are not saying that it is just a "belief," but are saying that it is a force that has physical effects, then we should be able to measure or test these effects no matter how limited our understanding is.
Anyways, I am rambling now, but I think you get where I am coming from. I believe in Chi, and I believe that it has been proven, and that we are learning more and more about it every day. Yet, I get tired of "Chi clowns" who claim superhuman powers from Chi, yet refuse to even suggest that there could ever be any physical evidence to back their claims. I know you are not one of these, for the record, so you don't think I am insulting you here. I liked your articles so far, btw Ken. I am just trying to let you know where I am coming from in my post here. Also, do you have any more info you can post about the discovery of electromagnetic energy along Chi Meridians? If that study is correct, do you believe it proves that Chi is electromagnetic, or do you think it could be something else?