Originally posted by SThiess
Just because you cannot proof it scientifically, does not mean that it does not exist. This is one of the biggest misconceptions of man kind. The whole chinese medicine is based on the principle of CHI and it has proofen itself in the meantime that it works. And there are also several different forms of CHI. Without chi you would not be alife. Scientists are able to show the existance of CHI but till today that have no clue where it comes from and how to scientifically proof it's existance. The best thing is just to accept things and not to proof them all the time.
I disagree with your last sentance particularly. I think that the success of acupuncture and acupreasure "proves" the existance of Chi. I don't think we should just "accept things" though, other then for the time being. Our inability to measure Chi only speaks to our limitations in science. But that doesn't mean that science will NEVER be able to measure Chi....things come in time.
I think its good for us to try to learn more about things...