The effect of your weapons training on your empty handed abilities???

This thread has some great posts in it that apply to what's being discussed in another thread. There are some great perspectives here that can help put Bujinkan weapons training into context for those outside of the Bujinkan. One point which was made, which I really liked, was that putting various types, and lengths, of weapons in students hands is a quick way to evaluate their taijutsu.
...BUT: What I guess I was getting at is the reverse of this. Does your weapon work influence/augment the development and cultivation of your Taijutsu?
Your Brother

I am about to say something controversial (surprise, eh?)

I have the belief that BJK taijutsu is CENTERED around weapons work. As in "PRIMARY FOCUS".

If you aren't concentrating on the weapons stuff -- then you probably are in the wrong art.

More specific and to the point:

War (Budo) is always about force multipliers. Nuff said there.

If you are looking to train in an unarmed system -- I suggest you look elsewhere. There are *gasp* better ones out there.

It is ALL about the weapons -- the mindset and the reasons behind a lot of our movement is SPECIFIC to weapons training.

Does this answer your question Brother John?

-Daniel Weidman
Bujinkan TenChiJin Guy..

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