The Drifting Argument Thread

I would try it. Mmmm, crunchy munchy scorpions.

You would probably like the Beijing night market....or just about anyplace in Southern China..... as a Southern Chinese woman I once knew told me...."we eat anything with legs....except tables and chairs"

My wife is a Northerner and I will not forget walking down Wangfujing Street in Beijing. after stopping at a food stand, and her telling me that Southerners eat weird food......while she was eating what I called Sparrows on a stick
You would probably like the Beijing night market....or just about anyplace in Southern China..... as a Southern Chinese woman I once knew told me...."we eat anything with legs....except tables and chairs"

My wife is a Northerner and I will not forget walking down Wangfujing Street in Beijing. after stopping at a food stand, and her telling me that Southerners eat weird food......while she was eating what I called Sparrows on a stick
Delicious and nutritious! Tastes just like chicken!
my wife is from Thailand:
chicken uterus, ant eggs, silk worm larvae and an assortment of other aquatic species that may or may not be dried or fermented and smell like a wet stinky dog took a dump in the in kitchen.
Wait a minute.....this isn't drifting at has stayed on topic for several posts now..... THIS can't be allowed to continue...oh...wait...I forgot...I gave up trying several posts ago........ that case....... here is a picture of a penguin

Penguins...almost all penguin species are native to the Southern is fall in the Southern hemisphere.... and when it is winter there it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when it is summer in the Northern hemisphere we are at the furthest point form the sun in our when we are closest to the sun, it is summer in the southern hemisphere and winter here. This is because of the way the planet tilts on its axis. We are tilted away from the sun in the northern hemisphere when we are closet and that is why we have winter at that time.... which is when it snows in the Northern hemisphere and occasionally the wind blows the snow and it causes drifts.....sorry...I just had to get it back on a drifting topic.... I also realize I was rather insidious about it by doing that with Science and teaching......

Oh, sure, drift off topic again. No worries, I have answers. Lots of answers.


  • Strange.webp
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That reminds me...There is a business near me that claims that it is Chinese...has it right in the business name over the door...I have never been inside the business and I have never seen the owner, but I have never had any reason to doubt then...well today...I noticed something...that proved to me it was a Chinese owned business....still had the Christmas decorations taped to the window...which, in turn, reminds me of one of the most surreal things (at least to me) that I have seen....when my wife and I were dating I was in Flushing Chinatown on New Years Day, in the morning.... and all of the Chistmas decorations were still up. And on top if this one restartaint entereance, that was devcorated to look very tradtaion al Chinese, there was one of those huge Disney'sesq animatronic Christmas displays, on, and moving while Christmas music was blaring form a speaker somewhere..... no other noise....just the Christmas music....