I'm in a DZR Jujitsu class, it's my first ever martial arts class and I'm enjoying it a lot. In a few weeks I have my first belt test. In are class we dont practice any strikes if we do it's just when to apply them and it's usually always an open handed attack. So far in this semester class has been really fun, are sensei is great and knows what shes talking about. So far we've learned a lot of the Yawara, all the break falls, front and back throws pretty much everything to get to yellow belt, as of now where just trying to get em down pat. How is everyone's else belt system, are's is like this after the first half a year you can test for yellow belt, the next half of year you can test for orange, than in a year you can test for blue, and in another year you can test for brown and every year after that till 3rd degree and than one more year for black belt. It's at our college and our sensei goes by semester and two semsters is a year and if you go in the summer you can add another semester to speed up the training process. I plan on going all year around, I'll soo be in capoeira classes too.