The Deeper meaning of Kenpo...

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JD, Ok, I can relate to that also.

Yes, when you take on the responsibility of hurting someone, or taking a life, it has taken on a whole new dimension (Martial Art).

Master Gichin Funakoshi talked about that all the time, he said, it should only be done in the name of "Justice", and then only as a last resort.

Kosho Shorei Ryu Kempo, is in the same spirit.

Regards, Gary
it makes me more secure and self esteem is growing:supcool:.
i think it is a small club that i am in and they can help the singel guy.
i has just traind with "huk" and can he tell you a LOT that works and add´s even more sense to the kenpo figting art.:samurai:
for me, its a challange, how fast can i kick?, how much power can i generate?, how far can i push myself? sure it, helps take out stress, to lose myself in what i am doing (focus). It just makes me feel good. I know that there is very little in this world that i won't be able to take with a little (lot) of effort, thought and dedication.

later dayz!
Training in kenpo constantly humbles me, showing me that, overall, I really don't know anything. You can train many years, fell like you have the techniques down cold, then along comes a senior, does the same techniques, and you realize that you suck. Or, you can do a few basic movements and end up in a three hour discussion of all the details contained within it. Truly amazing.
Rob Broad said:
Kenpo seems to have given my life a purpose. After my first class I knew that I wanted to teach kenpo, and with that goal in mind I started training. And it has been a glorious time. It has given my life balance, helped me through rough times, saved my life a time or two. Kenpo opened a world for me that is exciting to be part of each and every day.
Very well said, Mr. Broad--pretty much the same way I feel about it too.

Gin-Gin :asian:
Hello, We spell it KEMPO, but same meaning. When we look at our Professor and what he is trying to teach us, many of the younger students see only the fighting aspects of kempo, but if you study what kempo are right there is a deeper meaning? To be more humble,kind, and a good human being......not to fight.....Aloha
Kenpodoc said:
That's interesting. One of the things Kenpo has taught me is how much tougher my body is than I realized.


Jeff I agree with you, I am amazed at times how tough my body is and at some of the abuse it takes at the hands of Brother John and Hunter.

When looking at the statement I made a few months ago I still feel it is accurate to a point. Kenpo has taught me how to generate enough power to severly injure someone. So I look at the weight of the responsibilty and judgement we must use.

I am not good at expressing myself in deep thoughts, but I agree with you on how strong the body is.


There are a few things that Kenpo has brought into my life. One is a better understanding of myself, and who I am. Another is that there is difference between pain and injury. Pain you can work through, overcome, and or block out. Injuries are a lot harder to work through. Most importantly, Kenpo has helped me build some new friendships that will last a lifetime. And many of these people that I have trained with, started at about the same time as myself. We have been there for each other for every test, and some have made it to Black. As a matter of fact, my training partner for the past 5 years just tested for his Black Belt today. I have the headache and black eye to prove that he had a spectacular test. I got to throw him around and batter him for my Black Belt test, and now I had the pleasure of being able to return the favor.