The Dark Knight.

OMG! That movie rocked. The only thing that bothers me is the following. They left the end open for a "Return of the Joker." Sorry no one can be as dark as Ledger. Just like no one could portray the Joker like Nicholson in the 89 film.

Also, it was too much of a "Should I be Batman or not." For the love of God Bruce Wayne's total existence was to be Batman. His fury and rage are unparalled. Batman Begins and DarkKnight are how it had to be for Batman. The P.T.S.D., the silent rage and demons, etc. I mean I love the "Big Boy Scout-Superman." But geez, Batman is a dark, dark, dark, over the edge but barely on the right side of pure lunacy himself.

I dug the movie, however in a lot of aspects it reminded me of "The Darkknight Returns." by Frank Miller. The destruction of Wayne Industries etc. Just as Batman Begins is much similiar to Frank Miller's "Batman Year One."

Batman is supposed to be dark, looming, frightening, ruthless, all the good stuff. If he isn't then it just doesn't work.
Honestly? I saw it on IMAX (which turned out to be an unnecessary expense) and I wasn't particularly impressed. There were too many bits of story line that only those intimately familiar with all the movies - or possibly even the comic books - would get. Having been a comic fan in the 80s and 90s, I caught the references, such as having the Scarecrow in the beginning - but I went with my neighbor, and had to explain it to her later. I didn't like the way the movie ended. I wasn't impressed with the characterization of Batman, nor of Jim Gordon, and I'm not sure about Harvey Dent, either.

Then there was the cinematography - I've never been particularly fond of the "circle the scene" method, and I felt it was overused in this movie. I understood having the camera shake when the Joker was filming - but there were a few other times it happened as well, and I found it distracting.

Overall, I wish I'd waited for the DVD to come out. :(
There are a plethra of movies that are better than this film. However, for a comic book film it was great. This movie is getting the kind of hype and draw that the Keaton and Nicholson 89 film got. That movie was a merchandise whore like star wars of the 70's trilogy.
Finally saw it....quite possibly the greatest film ever made....IT WAS AWESOME!
We saw it again last night at the IMAX theatre in Indianapolis. It was good seeing it again, even aside from the IMAX effect (which, I agree with Kacey, was unnecessary). The battle scenes looked clearer to me and I was able to really appreciate how good Gary Oldman's performance was now that I wasn't as focused on Heath Ledger's.

Who will be the villain in number three? My son is hoping for Hush, possibly from this storyline, but I was thinking of Bane and his "The Man who broke the Bat" story arc.
Gary Oldman has a talent for playing the silent-but-deadly type. Still waters run deep with that actor - I liked him in the HP movies as he gave an unwritten dimension to Sirius Black.

I need ta see it agin.
Gary Oldman is a great actor and 1 of the few people I would like to sit down and talk with.

I liked the movie more for the storyline and the psychological thinking that motivated the plot. It makes you think about human nature and all.

ALREADY people are talking about Johnny Depp as the Riddler and Julie Newmar (played Catwoman in the old 70's Batman tv show) said she would love to see Angelina Jolie play Catwoman.

I think that no one should play the Joker. The part should be left alone after Ledger's death. I think the next Batman as well should be the last one. You can only ride so high for so long before it gets to be a waste.

God forbid the people who want and ask to see "Killer Croc" in the next one. God help us all.
Hands down the best batman of all time in my opinion. I loved bale, ledger, all the cast. Its a shame about ledger, he truly played a AWESOME criminal. Of course I was hooked the first time I saw the trailor! Cant wait for the next one
I also agree , the movie was incredible and the entire cast was noteworthy. All I can say is Angelina Jolie for Catwoman !!!!! Rawr !!!
Gary Oldman has a talent for playing the silent-but-deadly type. Still waters run deep with that actor - I liked him in the HP movies as he gave an unwritten dimension to Sirius Black.

I need ta see it agin.
Oldman wasn't given enough screen time to really show what he could do with Sirius... either that or they cut quite a bit of his scenes out.
Oldman is definitely one of the finest actors out there today.
Oldman wasn't given enough screen time to really show what he could do with Sirius... either that or they cut quite a bit of his scenes out.
Oldman is definitely one of the finest actors out there today.

I agree. Loved his performance in "The Fifth Element" too.
I totally agree with MA-Caver, Though I have no clue what movie you are talking about where Holly Berry played Catwoman... shut up... no... never happened... (at least let me pretend okay?) Though I totally agree that Angalina is very hot, and she does get in with that whole attitudy thief-like caracter in the tomb raider series, I am just not sure if she has the technical versitility that the other big name actors in the new bat franchise have brought to their roles. Both Bale, and Ledger have put their lives into the roles they have played, and both were willing to go to the point where their lives were put in danger for their roles (in Bale's case it was a previous movie where he emaciated himself). I mean neither of them are even americans, Bale is from Britan, and Ledger is from Australia yet they both played the roles of American comic icons outstandingly. I just don't see Angelina being willing to put herself on the line for a role, not like those two anyway, and I think that might make a performance with her as Catwoman possibly a little unbelievable. But then again when I first heard that Heath Ledger was going to play Joker I was a total skeptic and boy was I proven wrong in that case... But I personally believe that a no-name actress (again agreeing with MA-Caver about the gymnastics background) would make a smoother transition into the role and make it believable.
But then again when I first heard that Heath Ledger was going to play Joker I was a total skeptic and boy was I proven wrong in that case....

You wasn't alone on that one brother. There was a thread about who would play the Joker and many of us bashed Ledger.

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