I accept #'s 1-3.
Thinking things through is good... however, to be truly open-minded, IMHO, means that you have to be willing to re-examine your opinion periodically. Also, like others, I have a problem with #4 - simply because something is not based on fact does not make it crap; neither is something credible simply because it is based on fact. Facts can be interpreted in a variety of ways, based on the knowledge and experiences of those who are making the interpretation.
To dismiss something as "crap", because, in your opinion and experience, it is not based on fact, is, to me, very close-minded - and excludes philosophy, some parts of higher math, and some parts of science - in each field, there are things that can only be believed; they cannot, under our current knowledge, be proven; that's why science and math are full of theorems and hypotheses - scientific concepts that have not yet been proven, as the facts are either incomplete or unobtainable using current technology. And yet, scientists believe they are true, and use them as if they are true - but still, they may or may not be true; they are currently unprovable, and thus not based on fact.
To be truly open-minded, one has to be willing to examine all ideas - and to re-examine them as new experiences bring new understanding, as new proofs are presented, as old proofs are disproven; to place an idea incontrovertibly in a category (no matter how open-minded the process that places the idea there) and never revisit it is, IMHO, ultimately as close-minded as refusing to examine it to begin with.