The circle


Orange Belt
Aug 22, 2006
Reaction score
I have asked this question earlier but didnt get the answers i expected.
Here is a third (more accurate) attempt.
Advice? ... Where goes the buddhahood in this?

I am basically wondering about the motivation behind ones actions. -
I don't understand what i should have as an aim to be able to keep going, with for instance MA practise.

As, these requirements change when i am aiming for a change (in me). But when that change in me has occured, then the goal too would have changed, and thus not allowing me to change with the change if i am not fast enough.

How can this be avoided?


When that i mentioned above is set lets say, and i progress in my MA practise. ... When i have progressed in my MA = things become eaiser.
When things get easy, i get slower, and therefore i cannot fulfull what i whish to accomplish in the first place.

What has happened now is that i am more tiered of that circle of course, and I may be called lazy. - I had a reason to manage this before (escaped), but now i cannot because i have become more adult and smarter ... kind of smarter :D. And that prevents me from accepting simple things as i require more complicated answers to my questions.
(Oh, and I cannot settle if my mind has not settled. ((And by that i do(don't do) what is evil). There is not a way out of this))

I am sorry, but I have no idea what you are asking.

There was something in there about what motivates a person to study martial arts. IF that is the question, then there are a multitude of different answers. For self-defense, for fitness, as a way to relax, for compatition, ect ect and also any combination of these.

Its not something that anybody can deside for somebody else.
I am basically wondering about the motivation behind ones actions. -

I don't understand what i should have as an aim to be able to keep going, with for instance MA practise.

Sounds to me like you need some good old-fashioned focus and purpose. And maybe a good teacher.
Hello, We train because we like doing it. Also if you stop will lose some timing and others things too.

Is there an end? life maybe? As one gets older the training is less physical. (not for all people).

Like in all have to keep practicing or lose it.

The Human body must always be training. Like muscles..don't use them will lose them. Man are made that way.

Try stay in bed for a week without getting will notice you will lose some muscles. Why train? ...simple...we need to excercise our muscles.......Hope this helps some? .......Aloha
Firstly - I need a translator. :)

All things change - as human beings we are remarkably adaptable to changes - so long as we recognize the constant state of flux. Give it your best.
Some train because they like o train or enjoy the experience and the companionship off their training partners.
If you set goals and start to lose interest or think you are slowing down when getting close to those goals then perhaps your goal was not lofty enough. If your only goal is to each a certain level (belt level) then you are not giving the art a fair shake. Why not set the goal of learning as much as you can and understanding all you learn or to never stop seeking knowledge and fining out any hidden meaning in techniques

When one gains experience in martial arts, the purpose and the goals often change. For example, when I first started out with Kenpo, my goal was purely self defense. As I became more experienced, my purpose became fitness oriented. As time went on, I got interested in the history of Kenpo, so my views of how I do Kenpo changed. Now I do Kenpo because I truly enjoy Kenpo for what it is....

It is okay for your purpose and goals to change. That is how you improve and this helps you become a better martial artist.

- Ceicei
I'm not sure I've got a hold of what your asking, but I'll try an answer anyway. Sounds like your over analyzing things just a bit. Pick a goal that's imposible to reach. Your ideal. Now every other goal is only a step towards that ideal. Certainly you'll never reach that ultimate goal, but it give you something to strive towards. Do this, and realize that happiness lies in the journey, not the destination.
I have asked this question earlier but didnt get the answers i expected.
Here is a third (more accurate) attempt.
Advice? ... Where goes the buddhahood in this?

I am basically wondering about the motivation behind ones actions. -
I don't understand what i should have as an aim to be able to keep going, with for instance MA practise.

As, these requirements change when i am aiming for a change (in me). But when that change in me has occured, then the goal too would have changed, and thus not allowing me to change with the change if i am not fast enough.

How can this be avoided?


When that i mentioned above is set lets say, and i progress in my MA practise. ... When i have progressed in my MA = things become eaiser.
When things get easy, i get slower, and therefore i cannot fulfull what i whish to accomplish in the first place.

What has happened now is that i am more tiered of that circle of course, and I may be called lazy. - I had a reason to manage this before (escaped), but now i cannot because i have become more adult and smarter ... kind of smarter :D. And that prevents me from accepting simple things as i require more complicated answers to my questions.
(Oh, and I cannot settle if my mind has not settled. ((And by that i do(don't do) what is evil). There is not a way out of this))


Make change the goal. If your objective is to always adapt, then you just keep on learning.