The Book I Cannot Buy...

Bill clearly a while ago you were marked as simply not being able to purchase this book. Once this happens when you order initially they say okay but then find out it is you and immediately cancel it. In other words you have been black listed from purchasing this book. Who did this I do not know but if you ask Xue, Elder999 or myself nicely maybe we can help!
Then again maybe not as typically we are not that much help to anyone!
However, Shelsulsa is on it so I am sure you are soon to have a book! Hopefully it will be the right one!

By the way I hope you get this book!!!

This story reminds me of a book I once wanted as well! When I found out how much it cost I no longer wanted it so instead I borrowed a friends copy, read it and returned it! Maybe your sensei or another practitioner of your art that you know has a copy and will loan it to you! That is one way to beat this black listing!
This story reminds me of a book I once wanted as well! When I found out how much it cost I no longer wanted it so instead I borrowed a friends copy, read it and returned it! Maybe your sensei or another practitioner of your art that you know has a copy and will loan it to you! That is one way to beat this black listing!

Yeah but not if you've been put on the BOLD black list like Bill

:eek: DAMN!!!! I've said to much... again :duh:

ummm.... yeah....I.. aaa... hope Bill finds his book too :uhohh:
Just an update...this is from the FIFTH seller on eBay who has listed the book, I've purchased it, and then either I got an immediate refund or it just never arrived. This is one that never arrived:

Ebay items:

The first one has vanished as the seller cancelled the sale. The others can still be viewed online. You can see I'm not making this up!

Hello Bill - I'm not sure what has happened in the past, but I can assure you that we did indeed have the book, and shipped it out. We don't drop ship anything, or our feedback would indicate all kinds of slow shipping and other errors. We've been selling books on online for over 5 years now, and we've never operated that way.

The book sold for under $20 so we didn't buy insurance on the package due to the additional cost. I will take you at your word that it never arrived, and issue a refund if that's what you want to do. We don't have another copy of that particular book, so we can't send out an replacement unfortunately.

Please get back to me and let me know how you want to handle this.
Best regards,
Susan J
- wellstonebooks

I had written to them to ask where the book was - they said they had shipped it and it should have arrived on the 8th of April. They asked me to check the Post Office, which I did; no good. So I asked them if they were selling from some master list of drop-shippers, which might explain why I just can't seem to buy the danged book. Nope, they assure me that the book was physically in their possession and they sent it to me. It just never arrived.


And for what it's worth, we get lots of stuff here at the house. Packages, letters, etc. Nothing goes missing. Just got a bunch of bo's and MA gear - no problem. Got a freaking snow blower from Amazon - no problem. We do buy other books - they all show up. JUST NOT THIS BOOK.

I have no idea what's going on. I can't believe all these sellers are bogus. I can't believe the Post Office just won't deliver that particular book to me (and to some of my friends on MT who have also ordered the book from other sellers, with the same result).

This just blows me away. Freaky, freaky, freaky.
Could be a sub mail carrier dropped it at a neighbors. I had 3 weeks of an illiterate idiot. Kept delivering everything to one of the 3 houses next to mine.
Could be a sub mail carrier dropped it at a neighbors. I had 3 weeks of an illiterate idiot. Kept delivering everything to one of the 3 houses next to mine.
Or -- did the seller actually get the address right? I ordered something once online, and they somehow screwed up my address. I only found the item by dumb luck and by looking real close at the shipping information when UPS reported it delivered -- and I still didn't have it in hand.
Could be a sub mail carrier dropped it at a neighbors. I had 3 weeks of an illiterate idiot. Kept delivering everything to one of the 3 houses next to mine.

Sure, it could happen. But apparently only when the package in question is this book, and they deliver everything else with no problems. What are the chances of that?
Or -- did the seller actually get the address right? I ordered something once online, and they somehow screwed up my address. I only found the item by dumb luck and by looking real close at the shipping information when UPS reported it delivered -- and I still didn't have it in hand.

Just seems odd that the few times that the seller has insisted they DID send me the book and it never arrived, those guys got the address wrong; other things I buy on eBay and Amazon, including other books, don't. Seems a bit of a stretch to me. Not saying it can't happen, but notice it has also happened to my MT friends who have also ordered copies from other sellers. All bad addresses?
Once dealing with a computer company that shall remain nameless but the name begins with a "D" they got my name so wrong on 4 different occasions and the address of my office equally as wrong on those four different occasions I was simply amazed at the incredibly high level of incompetence and complete lack of listening skills on their part.

Example if you called them up and told them your name was Bill Mattocks and also told them your address....4 different times.... they would send it to an address, on the other side of town to someone named Aparajita Debbarma...And the fourth time you would even make them spell out your name and tell you where they were sending is and they STILL sent it across town to Aparajita DebbarmaÂ… I'm not kidding, it was that bad.
I don't really have any advice or really any helpful input at all for that matter. However, I really enjoyed you sharing your, thus far, incomplete quest in acquiring this book... very entertaining. Nice to know that I'm not the only one with luck like that.

Greetings from

We're writing to let you know we processed your refund of $7.68 for your Order 104-3790670-2153069 from -hungrybookworm.

This refund is for the following item(s):

Item: Isshinryu Kusanku Kata Secrets Revealed
Quantity: 1
ASIN: 0965008517
Reason for refund: Item not received

Here's the breakdown of your refund for this item:

Shipping Refund: $3.99
Item Refund: $3.69 surprises there. How about a list of places where you tried to get the book, so I don't duplicate your efforts, and let me know the top price you're willing to pay.

I'm going to bring other resources to bear on this particular bugs me.
OK this is just.....bizarre.

I like to stop at book stores when I go out and about...especially indie bookshops, and double especially indie bookshops that have publications from local folks.

I'm going to look around for it as well. If its under $20, I'll flat out buy it. I realize my chance of finding it are like a needle in a haystack, but....visiting bookstores while wandering around the White Mountains? I can think of worse things :)
How about a list of places where you tried to get the book, so I don't duplicate your efforts, and let me know the top price you're willing to pay.

I'm going to bring other resources to bear on this particular bugs me.


Here's what I could find quickly:


goodwill_too_books (twice, they kept relisting it)

There was also one from that was cancelled after a no-show. There are several others from Amazon that I cannot locate - if they get cancelled instead of listed as being shipped and then refunded, they disappear out of the Amazon invoicing system and I can no longer find the emails - they go back past January 1 of this year, and I've deleted that email by now.

What's really amazing is that these same resellers STILL SHOW THIS ITEM IN THEIR INVENTORY IN QUANTITY!! Isn't there a law about false advertisement?

How can they list this in inventory if they don't have any? I'd be pissy by now.

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