sgtmac_46 said:
Of course if it's already US Military policy, (See also: Punishable by the Uniform Code of Military Justice) why does it need to be US civilian law? Exactly what purpose is that supposed to serve.
Seems redundant. Perhaps Bush see's it as nothing more than a veiled attempt to take legal jurisdiction from Military courts, and place it in civilian courts. I'll defer to the UCMJ when dealing with US military personnell.
Again, your argument is based on "gut reaction" emotional argument, devoid of any rationale as to WHY Bush should sign this bill? To make you feel better? If that's the only reason, that's not quite enough to pass a law.
Okay, then. How about the President Supporting the will of the American People through the voice of their elected leaders.
90 Senators ---- that's 90 Percent of the Senators ---- support this bill.
The language in the bill is from that liberal nutcase - John McCain - you know, the one member of senate who spent five years as a prisoner of war, actually being tortured. I guess my
gut reaction is to trust this guy on this issue, because he knows something about it.
Look, if you want to pretend the President and his adminstration have not sactioned and authorized torture, you go right ahead. But don't try and dissuade those of us who live in reality that it ain't so.
President Bush can't even field questions from soldiers fairly. Did you hear the audio feed from yesterday's Q&A from Iraq. For a half-hour before the interviews (in which the President was supposed to want to hear directly from soldiers), an internal Department of Defense person
scripted, and rehearsed the script what the President was going to say, and which soldier was going to answer the question, and how the question was going to be answered.
My position has been consistent. President Bush needs to be impeached, found guilty of giving false statements to the Senate and House (not to mention the American People) and removed from office. I have to imagine supporting him so blindly is getting lonely. What are you, down' to 36% now?