The best martial arts for self defense from..

Archery and fencing seem like they would be quite efficient

Archery's a good call but not sure about fencing? It seems a bit too stabby and the swords a bit too flimsy for my liking.

You don't want your sword stuck in one zombie while the others come at you, might get away with a sabre but I'd prefer a heavier blade that can take heads & limbs off in one stroke so you can quickly move on to the next one.
Archery's a good call but not sure about fencing? It seems a bit too stabby and the swords a bit too flimsy for my liking.

You don't want your sword stuck in one zombie while the others come at you, might get away with a sabre but I'd prefer a heavier blade that can take heads & limbs off in one stroke so you can quickly move on to the next one.

Don't know much about fencing, but the quick stabbing with a thin blade seems like it would be pretty effective, maybe not too thin a blade, though.

Probably a good long weapon like a yari would be useful.
I never even heard of "liches" until reading Tony's post. Swell, now I gotta worry about those suckers. I'll probably look for an anti-liches gym today. I hope I don't need a new gi.

Maybe you shoould take classes for dealing with ghouls, ghasts, deadites, wights, wraiths, specters, headless horsemen, ghosts, banshees, phantoms, grim reapers, dementhors, poltergeists, nazgul, shades and revenants too. Oh and dracoliches :D

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Archery and fencing seem like they would be quite efficient

Archery's a good call but not sure about fencing? It seems a bit too stabby and the swords a bit too flimsy for my liking.

You don't want your sword stuck in one zombie while the others come at you, might get away with a sabre but I'd prefer a heavier blade that can take heads & limbs off in one stroke so you can quickly move on to the next one.

Gentlemen... "fencing" merely means sport-fighting with blades. It doesn't matter what sort of bladed weapon; knives, daggers, broadswords, katana, rapier... it's all fencing.

And the fencing your talking about is meant to be used as a way to practice using the rapier or smallsword. Both of those would be quit effective against zombies and the various other undead sorts, with the exception of skeletons. Blunt weapons are the way to go, there.
Gentlemen... "fencing" merely means sport-fighting with blades. It doesn't matter what sort of bladed weapon; knives, daggers, broadswords, katana, rapier... it's all fencing.

And the fencing your talking about is meant to be used as a way to practice using the rapier or smallsword. Both of those would be quit effective against zombies and the various other undead sorts, with the exception of skeletons. Blunt weapons are the way to go, there.

Fair enough, when he said fencing I thought of Olympic style fencing with the foil, epee, or sabre. This is the closest definition I kind find to yours Definition of ?fencing? | Collins English Dictionary that includes the practice/use of all swords, but I wouldn't consider 2 dudes fighting with just daggers to be fencing. Do people really sport-fight with them, and just out of interest does your definition include axes?

Anyhoo when all else fails there's always cricket:

Or if you prefer pub sports:

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How about werewolves, golemns such as Frankenstein, and death knights?
How about werewolves, golemns such as Frankenstein, and death knights?

Good question, we all should be prepared to deal with ballen`s ex-wives.

Werewolves are typically vulnerable only to silver so any weapon art with silver weapons or striking if you can get silver gloves. Their bite can infect you with lycanthropy, armor or styles with good defense options should be concidered.

Flesh golems are slow and prone to overheating because of their big size. Gather your angry mob with torches, use hit & run for a while then all move in to finish him off with heavy axes and such. One on one maybe go with aikido and kenjutsu.

With death knights you are pretty much screwed as with liches. Same solution too, but you must be really skilled in medieval combat to get past their shield and score a hit with the mace of disruption.
What about yellow bamboo you can use your amazing chi powers to blast the zombies to dust
You just need aa12 shotgun...
Even small woman can deal with recoil

And a guan dao for went the ammo runs out.
Maybe we can give the Zombies nunchakus. They'll conk themselves on the head like well all did back in the day. (God, I wish that wasn't true. :))
i like a big guandao too, once i got to hold my instructors guandao... it wasnt sharp butit was old and rusty so if you got hit with it you might need a tetanus shot and did have a spike on the other end and im fairly (i remember it was hard to swing the blade dur to its heavy weight)
personally id rather have a nice pudao , big blade long handle andmuch lighter

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