question is: Is there an art out there thats the best?
The answer is
Now I will explain, but first let me clarify what has already been stated here.
"Best" is a relative term depending on desired outcome; "goals," and one's ability to achieve those goals in the most desirable fashion.
Which one depends on your goals and natural abilities.
Although I don't agree it is "natural" abilities, but skills that you learn which either enhance your natural abilities, or compensate for a lack thereof.
This is why no art can really be the best unless you specify best for what, then something can be the best, and others can be poor for that goal.
Mr Green, you really have to stop giving the best answers, or you make it difficult for me to sound smart!
Ok - - If your goal is to become a better person, or learn spiritual enlightenment, or win tournaments, or beat up every person you don't like, then your method of training might vary from other people. If your goal is to survive in life, and not get killed, beat up, or otherwise victimized, then your
goal is specific enough that I can answer this question.
The "best Art" for the goal of survival in the real world is presented below in a list starting with the best at the number one position and moving down in desirability to the bottom of the list.
The "art" of avoidance: If you are not there, they can not hurt you. Avoid situations that are inherently dangerous or risky, and avoid people who tend to be violent, attract violence, or are strangers you don't trust. This means you are going to have to be alert, and aware of your surroundings. The next part of this "art" is what to do if you did not successfully avoid the situation or person. Then, you must avoid contact. Distance, evade, and maneuver so that your attacker can not strike you, touch you, or grab you (or assault you with a weapon). Run away, talk your way out of it, or move quicker than they do (reading telegraphed movements helps here). The "art of avoidance" is the best and most ideal response to any given situation, but since it is not always possible, we move on to number two.
The "art" of deception: Here is where you fake the person out. Make them think you are very deadly, or sick :barf: , or crazy, or drunk, or pregnant (for the ladies

). Make them believe you are slow, then become fast. Make them believe you are tired and ready to drop, then come alive! Make them think you are within their range, or that you are going to stand still, move back, go left, right, closer, jump, or duck, then do something totally different. For striking them, make them think you are going to punch, then kick, or vice-versa. Make them think you are going low, then go high instead. If contact occurs, make them think you are going to push, but then you pull, etc, etc. "Deception" is also known as "sneakiness."
The "art" of T.A.P.: "TAP" is Timing, Accuracy, and Power. If you are able to avoid getting hit, grabbed or taken down, or if you find yourself in a bad predicament, then the final thing is that you must be able to execute your technique with ideal Timing (when to move and when not to), Accuracy (don't miss), and Power (if it don't hurt, immobilize, project your opponent away, damage or destroy, it won't work).
We also have to remember the skill of "
common sense." You have to know when it is time to get the heck out of Dodge! Know when the fight is over, whey you are out-numbered, in danger of weapons, and when it is time to split - - distance yourself - - avoid further conflict, which leads us back to number one - the "
art of avoidance."
In reality, none of what I listed above is an "art" by Martial Art definition. they are skills which should be incorporated into all Martial Art training. In addition to whichever specific "tools" or techniques you choose to apply in step 3, this is what Martial Art self defense is.
In fact, the answer to the question, "What is the best Art?"
Answer - - "
The Martial Art"
Whatever you want to call it. Apply steps one through three first, then be highly skilled at the specific techniques you apply and you will have the "best" art!
Oh....One More Thing....
Aikido type stuff is great for "civilized" encounters... meaning you just need to inflict a little pain and control without anyone really getting hurt to hopefully diffuse things.
Aikido has its strengths, brawling is not one of them.
Oooops! You missed it on that one!
Like any system of self defense, it will depend greatly on the skill level of the person applying the art. A novice person in Taekwondo, Judo, Karate, BJJ, or anything else might give a poor showing of what their art really is capable of. In the hands of a Master, Aikido is very effective for
any situation! Think of the masterful application of Aikido as the forces of the wind and the water in nature (hurricanes, tornados, typhoons, mud slides, avalanches, flash floods, and even hail storms). There is not any human being, animal, natural object, or man made structure that can withstand these forces. Aikido, when properly applied, can redirect you, spin you around, lift you up, and slam you into anything, anywhere. It can hit you with strong forces, or suck you in and spit you out. You can strike at the wind or water and hit nothing as it parts and surrounds you, then it will turn to a solid sheet and smack you down or take your feet out from under you.
Never underestimate Aikido because of the basic performances by beginner students and low ranking Black Belts.
CM D.J. Eisenhart