I have just been doing Wing Chun and though I found it slow to begin wiht I am finding it really fun and interesting! I have been training in Shaolin Long Fist for 7 years and have found that a lot of what I do in that is shown in Wing chun but the movements aren't as long although very effective. There is some conflict in as much as I have to remember to use the correct Wing chun stance as opposed to going into a Shaolin stance.
I think doing Wing chun will greatly improve my skills in sparring and self defence and a great system for close up fighting as well as learning to be relaxed. I don't think there is much ground work or throws in Wing chun so my other style will help there.
Also in my Shaolin class there are other people who have started training in other arts such as Jeet kune do which uses a lot of techniques to take down a person. A couple of weeks a go this guy was showing us a take technique where the attacker punches, you block, counter and use 3 or 4 techniques and then take them down or get them into a headlock. This I thought looked hard. If this was out in the street I would need something easier to remember!
Another guy in my class has been training in Taekwondo in while doing kung fu and has also started Jeet Kune do. He is also quite acrobatic too but i think he does that more for fun.
I think it is very beneficial to train in another art, but only when you have grasped the basics of one Art and got to a very high level in that Art.
What are you opinions?
I think doing Wing chun will greatly improve my skills in sparring and self defence and a great system for close up fighting as well as learning to be relaxed. I don't think there is much ground work or throws in Wing chun so my other style will help there.
Also in my Shaolin class there are other people who have started training in other arts such as Jeet kune do which uses a lot of techniques to take down a person. A couple of weeks a go this guy was showing us a take technique where the attacker punches, you block, counter and use 3 or 4 techniques and then take them down or get them into a headlock. This I thought looked hard. If this was out in the street I would need something easier to remember!
Another guy in my class has been training in Taekwondo in while doing kung fu and has also started Jeet Kune do. He is also quite acrobatic too but i think he does that more for fun.
I think it is very beneficial to train in another art, but only when you have grasped the basics of one Art and got to a very high level in that Art.
What are you opinions?