Senior Master
The greedy, vicious mother loving lowlife skunk crap rat bastards at the RIAA have outdone themselves on this one. First they got their pet regulators to say that Internet radio stations have to pay them eight cents per listener per time the song is played - which is enormously higher than their rates for satellite radio. This will, of course, bankrupt every one of them, which was the idea.
Now the theologically challenged male offspring of syphillitic female canids have gone one further. They own the Internet royalties to all music. It doesn't matter if you're Indie. It doesn't matter if you're not signed. It doesn't matter if you own all the rights and freely give anyone the right to play your songs. The RIAA collects the royalties. And if you want the royalties that you didn't give them permission to take you have to join them - their discretion whether you get to or not - and apply for the privilege of paying a hefty service percentage to them for your own money. This isn't service like you get in a service station. It's service like you get from a bull if you're a cow.
The Daily Kos has the whole vile story.
Now the theologically challenged male offspring of syphillitic female canids have gone one further. They own the Internet royalties to all music. It doesn't matter if you're Indie. It doesn't matter if you're not signed. It doesn't matter if you own all the rights and freely give anyone the right to play your songs. The RIAA collects the royalties. And if you want the royalties that you didn't give them permission to take you have to join them - their discretion whether you get to or not - and apply for the privilege of paying a hefty service percentage to them for your own money. This isn't service like you get in a service station. It's service like you get from a bull if you're a cow.
The Daily Kos has the whole vile story.