Historical Manuals

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
Here's a few good reads:

The Science of Self Defence
A Treatise on Sparring and Wrestling
By Edmund Price 1867

The famous Farmer Burns Mail Order Course
Scanned direct from a 1912 set of lessons

Wrestling from Donald Walkers 1840 text "Defensive Exercises"

Historical Fencing Manuals
Lots of them, from 13th century on

Brief History of the Quarterstaff

Quarter-Staff:A Practical Manual
by Thomas A. McCarthy, 1883
The farmer burns mail order course I have what a treasure from that time period.
Thanks for teh other links.
This stuff is better than sleep (which is what I should be doing right now).

I'm going to be busy sorting through this stuff for the next few years!
Let's kick these great links provided by Andrew Green up for new members. Thread stickied: members please feel free to add your own links as appropriate!
Adding another historic manual:

"American Jiu Jitsu" by Len Lanius. As usual, PDF is free for download.

Available at: http://stores.lulu.com/lawson

Born about 1865 in Cincinnati, Len Lanius began wrestling around the age of 12, eventually wrestling on the Vaudeville circuit before retiring and joining the Sports staff with the Cincinnati Post. Lanius claimed to have held the title of Lightweight Champion Wrestler of the World, which would have been around 1890.
After the famous Gotch-Hackenschmidt matches of 1908, Lanius started developing his “American Jiu Jitsu.” In his own words, “it was the invasion of the Jap wrestlers around that time that put me to work on perfecting a style of defense to check their attack. Their methods were quite baffling.”
In March of 1921, Lanius demonstrated his creation, “Yankee Jiu Jitsu,” to the Rotary Club and, again in June of 1921, he demoed his Jiu Jitsu to the Kiwanis. In 1922 he published this book, “American Jiu Jitsu.”
Special thanks to Jason Couch and the Martial History Magazine at: http://martialhistory.com for making the original of this document available for republishing.
Wrestling and How to Train by Frank Gotch

I am pleased to announce the republishing of a facsimile copy of Frank Gotch's seminal Catch-as-Catch-Can wrestling manual, "Wrestling and How to Train." (AHEAD OF SCHEDULE AND UNDER BUDGET!!!)

The text is available at:

As always, the download is fee, no cost.

Marketoid Blurb:

Frank Gotch is, perhaps, the most famous (and controversial)
Catch-as-Catch-Can Wrestler of all time.

Retiring in 1913, Gotch held three wrestling titles in his career,
“Champion of the Klondike,” “American Heavyweight,” and
“World Heavyweight” and has been inducted into at least three
wrestling halls of fame.

This book, published in 1908 at the height of his career, teaches
Catch-as-Catch-Can wrestling. Packed with photos of wrestling greats
and 29 instructional plates, including 4 of GotchÂ’s famous Toe Holds,
this manual is truly a slice of grappling history.

Peace favor your sword,

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