Hi Guys! I haven't checked in here in a LONG time! Do the moderators still ban people at the drop of a hat??
Anyway, this thread caught my eye, and I might have a little bit to contribute.
I like to look at this topic in two ways, which are essentially related. The first idea is thinking of it as learning structure, the second is to think of it as learning how to deal with an opponent.
SLT: This is all about "building the structure." You are learning all the lines and angles and a good stance/structure for the foundation of what is going to come. This is why is it performed without footwork and with remaining facing directly forward. Which leads to the second approach....you are learned the "facing" principle....you want to be "square on" or "Chui Ying" with the opponent whenever possible while keeping him "Bai Ying" or "off facing". So that you have the advantage.
CK: This is all about "moving the structure" or "powering the structure." Now you take what you built in SLT and learn how to make good structure move, and movement involves generating dynamic power, so they are related. SLT essentially assumes you are at a distance where you can...or have...engaged the opponent. CK assumes you are at a distance where you must move to engage the opponent....."seeking the bridge." Also implicit here is dealing with a moving opponent. With SLT you have "Chiu Ying", with CK you have to establish "Chiu Ying." Learning how to generate power goes hand in hand with learning how to move your structure.
BG: This has been described as "emergency techniques." This has confused people, and used to confuse me! This form is all about recovering from a bad position. It assumes they YOU are the one that is in "Bai Ying"....your opponent has managed to put you in a disadvantage position where you are not facing him squarely. So the form contains methods to recover from a bad position and regain "Chiu Ying." Typically, when you have been put in a bad position, your good structure is broken. You have been forced to over-turn, to bend at the waist, to step improperly, etc. So this form could also be seen as recovering good structure.
Wooden Dummy: This form is somewhat "multi-purpose." The first part of the form could be seen as "testing your structure." You've learned good structure and how to move it and generate power in the SLT & CK forms. Then the dummy acts somewhat like a "protractor" to help you check your lines and angles. The dummy doesn't move, so you have to move around it and get used to maintaining good structure while applying force against a resistance. The 2nd part of the form, like the BG form, contains recovery methods....how to recover from a bad position or restore good structure and facing when it is lost.
That's my understanding, for better or worse.