Thats soooo gay

You didn't use the n-word either, but calling someone "gay" or "fag" is functionally equivalent to calling someone "n-word".
No, it isn't. Referring to a gay person as gay is perfectly acceptable, according to the many gay people that I know. They call themselves gay, they are gay, they're comfortable with their sexual preferences, and consider the term to be acceptable, accurate, and appropriate. Many gay men will use the term "fag" as well in reference to themselves or other gay men.

I have to agree with Cryozombie here, the problem is with the intent, not the word itself. If a youngster calls another youngster "gay" in an attempt to slander them, as in "You're so gay", and mean that there's something wrong with you, the harm is in the implication that 'gay' equates to 'bad', or 'wrong' or 'unpalatable'. But if you're speaking with an acquaintance and they refer to their same sex partner and you respond, "Oh, I didn't know you were gay," there's simply nothing wrong with making such a statement. It may be an uncomfortable moment, but I see no insult in those words.
The problem is that the "alternate" meaning is meant to reinforce the perception that that which is (or who is) gay is bad, stupid, ugly, ineffective and similar. See my notes on "eta" meaning "disgusting filth" to describe a Japanese caste.
Well, the sooner we stop talking about it, the sooner we can get this thought-crimin' little tramp to the Reeducation Center. :shrug:
So full of Christian Love and charity towards all. :shrug:

So brimming over with her own bilious by-product...
She's claimed in the past that she's a believing, church-going Christian. Of course, it turned out that she never actually attended the (upscale) congregation she supposedly was part of.
She's claimed in the past that she's a believing, church-going Christian. Of course, it turned out that she never actually attended the (upscale) congregation she supposedly was part of.

Oh thanks. It just looked like a shot at Christians. Some of my best friends are Christians. They are all loving and charitable.

Anyway, I guess I haven't considered her important enough to pay her any attention, especially the scale of the congregation she may or may not attend.
Oh thanks. It just looked like a shot at Christians. Some of my best friends are Christians. They are all loving and charitable.

Very true. I'm not a Christian but have plenty of Christian friends who are wonderful people. Ann Coulter just don't make the cut.

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