Thats it, Im done with martial art

Ryan Nune said:
shotosan said he doesnt remember the last time he go beat not he was never beat before

He stated that he has yet to be beaten. Refer back to the thread titled, "What does a Black Belt truely mean" post 1.

Here is the post.

So, I have studied for 9 years, and I am only at brown stripe in shotokan, and apprentice black in Wadu... However

When sparring, I find that I have yet to be 'beaten', what ever that means... I know its a small portion of being a black belt. But even still I have taken out contless McMasters from many McDojos. Moving across the country I took time to stop in to random clubs for the night and just spar and experiance other styles....

I find that I can teach very well. Most people now only show you how to move, and rarely explain and justify why you do it. Its hard to explain, but most sensai I talk to, really... well they suck. I am having a hard time not being cocky about my skills...

Also, both my shotokan and wadu sensai cannot allow me to accept black belt till im 18. Ive gone to many clubs and they have offered me black upon the FIRST night... I hate McDojos...

I am only apprentice black, and its hard to be held back like this. Anyone else feel the same?
Ryan Nune said:
Wowsers look at how many peopel he got talking what an @$$ but I think mabey he didnt get beat?
It's meaningless as he presented it. SS didn't even mention what kind of rule set(s) he was sparring under, and saying you toured McDojos and beat McDojo students at sparring is roughly akin to Kramer at the Kenpo scool in Sienfield. (Dunno if that reference has any meaning to you, but pitcure a tall guy sparring children and somehow, winning....)

On top of that, he never detailed the circumstances. Were the upper belts in those supposed McDojos sandbagging, being polite and not slaughtering the dude the one night he was there? Seems just as likely as him posessing a 600-0 record.
Does anyone else think it strange that Ryan Nune signed on to the boards at the same time ShotoSan left? I find his keen interest in Mr. SS to be slightly suspicious.

$5.00 says Ryan is ShotoSan.
Adept said:
Does anyone else think it strange that Ryan Nune signed on to the boards at the same time ShotoSan left? I find his keen interest in Mr. SS to be slightly suspicious.

$5.00 says Ryan is ShotoSan.

I wouldn't touch that bet with a 10' Bo.
I bet $5 Ryan is the other skinny guy in SS's photo.....any takers?
That kid should get in the ring and spar with Lennox Lewis.

Then I for one would certainly give him the respect he thinks he deserves.
I have read a few of the posts by Shotosan and think it best that he is gone. Never being beaten? Is 17 and thinks he knows best to open a dojo? The martial arts are more than just lessons on the mat the are life lessons and by reading some of his posts he has a ways to go before he can teach others. Just my thoughts and good luck to him and his dojo!
Our beloved Sysop could find this out by comparing their IP addresses. :D

I am not familiar with this BBS, but it is fairly common for a BBS to log IP addresses when people post. If this is the case we could compare IPs.

Now, even though he may not have a static IP, most service providers don't change your IP all that often in any case. Even if his *had* changed it is highly likely that if the first 3 numbers are the same, then it is indeed the same person.

We could also go to and do a whois on both IPs and if they are from the same provider then it is also likely that it is the same person.

Don't mess with a software engineer!!! :D
I'm not sure which bothers me more.

1) The candor of the original 'swan song' (as was so aptly named)
2) The fact EVERYONE ELSE has carried this out to 4 pages of replies!!

He's gone, by his own accord. Just let him go and lets get back to our regularly scheduled programming, aye? :)

P.S. ...and if he just made another account, I'm sure that will evidence itself soon enough and a similar exit will ensue.
Account was closed upon request 12/12/04 midnight

Ryan Nune
Account was opened 12 minutes later.

Both trace to the same IP address

Both accounts banned for trolling, and suspected false ID information, as well as duplicate accounts.
Mr. Hubbard, what you've originally envisioned for this site ( a place where experts can guide newbs) does actually exist for a lot of us. There are so many wise, experienced people on MartialTalk. I, personally, have learned a lot, been helped in everyday situations, been steered towards interesting books, and actually talked with real masters,(though they wouldn't consider themselves as such most times) a fact which still amazes me, all through this wonderful site. Started on a new martial arts journey through the advice of one of the posters here, after losing the place where I was training and being unable to take classes anywhere locally. This place does help people, and not just to become better martial artists, either. I guess this is kind of OT, but I just thought you ought to know.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Account was closed upon request 12/12/04 midnight

Ryan Nune
Account was opened 12 minutes later.

Both trace to the same IP address

Both accounts banned for trolling, and suspected false ID information, as well as duplicate accounts.

Bob Hubbard said:
I've agonized over this, many, many times. When MT first went live, I envisioned a small place, where experts would pop in and guide newbies seeking training. A rather nieve view, I know. I failed to take into consideration the human factor.

Mr. Hubbard,

The entirety of the post I partially quoted above is an excellent reality check and ego benchmark for the rest of us.

I've watched what goes on around here very carefully and I think I can truly say, without prejudice, that the quality of the chance you give everyone around here can be summed up in one word: fair.

Some are blatantly fraudulent, others questionable, some hot under the collar, some perhaps not as bright as we wish everyone to be, and some raise the bar with their intelligence, character and patience. This melting pot of artists here is the forum I prefer to all other Martial Arts forums for a reason - because YOU are FAIR. Even when given reason to boot someone right away (as other boards might do), you will give anyone more than a decent chance to prove themselves.

So, I hope you don't have any problem whatsoever in making the decision to ban a user, given the procedures you have in place. IMHO, those on that list have had their chances and cannot say they did not.

I suppose since you've put me in the position I'm in now, anyone could read this post and call me a brown-noser. I don't brown-nose anyone. I am respectful to those whom command my respect and I have general respect for all living things (and some non-living things), but I do not pass out gratuitous praise. And how I strive to be is how I perceive your practices here on MT - fair.


Georgia Ketchmark
U brown noser u!!!


Just kidding! Excellent post Georgia!

The sysop here seems very fair. I have seen boards that ban people for the tinyest mistakes; that board then becomes essentially an old boy network where newbies are afraid to speak up. That is definitely not a good atmosphere which would promote active debate.

IMHO, the mission of a discussion board should be the following: a non-partisan medium for the candid exchange and debate of ideas in a civil manner.

It therefore is the duty of the *posters* on that medium to promote that debate and to conduct oneself in such a manner that this discussion will be based upon candor, logic, and reason rather then deception, emotion, and slurs. Posters who will disrupt those debates and exchange of ideas should be banned.
My .02
You know, over and over I see it happen. Someone checks in to MT to promote themselves or someone else, promote their organization, and list how many styles and organizations they belong to. Then, when someone (like me, for instance:) ) dares to question their history or their credentials, or dares to imply they may not be all they claim to be, they storm off in a huff.
First, if someone claiming to hold Dan rank or high level certification submits a post filled with spelling and grammatical errors (including misspelling their art or Instructor), it's a little hard to take them seriously. I think we can agree that serious practitioners are a little more educated and methodical, not prone to numerous errors of the sort mentioned. Also, if you have truly studied an art for any length of time (as opposed to being a magazine/book/video student), you would know the proper spelling of your Art and Instructor.
Second, if someone claims someone else as their Instructor, and that person is not known to teach that style, that is a little suspicious. In this Information Age, it is not hard to Google someone's name to see if they are on record as an Instructor and in what.
My solution? Be honest. Don't lie or stretch the truth. I have more respect for someone who doesn't know but admits he doesn't know than someone who claims to know but their statements show otherwise. I also have more respect for someone who is wrong but admits they are wrong.
MichiganTKD said:
You know, over and over I see it happen. Someone checks in to MT to promote themselves or someone else, promote their organization, and list how many styles and organizations they belong to. Then, when someone (like me, for instance:) ) dares to question their history or their credentials, or dares to imply they may not be all they claim to be, they storm off in a huff.
First, if someone claiming to hold Dan rank or high level certification submits a post filled with spelling and grammatical errors (including misspelling their art or Instructor), it's a little hard to take them seriously. I think we can agree that serious practitioners are a little more educated and methodical, not prone to numerous errors of the sort mentioned. Also, if you have truly studied an art for any length of time (as opposed to being a magazine/book/video student), you would know the proper spelling of your Art and Instructor.
Second, if someone claims someone else as their Instructor, and that person is not known to teach that style, that is a little suspicious. In this Information Age, it is not hard to Google someone's name to see if they are on record as an Instructor and in what.
My solution? Be honest. Don't lie or stretch the truth. I have more respect for someone who doesn't know but admits he doesn't know than someone who claims to know but their statements show otherwise. I also have more respect for someone who is wrong but admits they are wrong.
Hey I'm just glad they go!
It's the ones that stick around like a lingering fart that get me.
Kaith Rustaz said:
Account was closed upon request 12/12/04 midnight

Ryan Nune
Account was opened 12 minutes later.

Both trace to the same IP address

Both accounts banned for trolling, and suspected false ID information, as well as duplicate accounts.
Geez I'm good...

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