

Black Belt
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
Moore, SC
In looking back at the 'New to Wing Chun' thread, I realized there were quite a few more members who came to my aid in the discussion with coffeerox. Just so you know I appreciated your help too, here are their names:

Flying Crane
Yak Sao
Irish Monk
WC Lun
zepeda, you did not win. You gained the support of people who agreed with you but you did not win the argument. Arguments are not won by how many people support you. I learned this the hard way on the internet.

To truly 'win' on the internet takes a lot of practice and it has to do with yourself than it does other people. By you proclaiming yourself the victor and thanking your supporters, you only show me that you lost. You never truly did understand what I was telling you.
zepeda, you did not win. You gained the support of people who agreed with you but you did not win the argument. Arguments are not won by how many people support you. I learned this the hard way on the internet.

To truly 'win' on the internet takes a lot of practice and it has to do with yourself than it does other people. By you proclaiming yourself the victor and thanking your supporters, you only show me that you lost. You never truly did understand what I was telling you.

Who said I or we won anything? I didn't proclaim any kind of victory to a debate or altercation. And I didn't gain anyones support to my opinion, they all had the same opinion. I just said thanks to the fellow members for coming to my aid and assistance with what the majority of us on this forum (or anywhere else) feels is the correct point of view. That self teaching is a bad idea.

I understood what you were saying, and you're entitled to whatever opinion you want, even if it is a bad idea. It's not about wining or losing on the internet, who cares?

And by you jumping on this thread to tell me I'm not a victor (to whatever contest you thought was going on between us), shows me that you feel like you lost, or that we (the collective) got the better of you. Don't be petty and childish. Get over it, neither one of us can win, let it go. I did.

Now go do something constructive, like your Siu Nim Tao form or something. I did. Perfect practice makes perfect.
Manners maketh man and Zepawhinchun was showing good manners, he wasn't gloating or saying he won, he was saying thank you to people who's support he appreciated. A nice thing I think.
I don't know what coffee or zep's argument was about in another thread, but setting aside an entire post to "thank" people that supported you IS gloating... Maybe thats not the intention but thats the way it comes of.

I don't even like considering what we have on here as arguments... To me their discussions... No one wins. But hopefully we all learn from them.

I don't think anyone's running for office on here so theres no need to thank others.
I'm reminded of a bit in The Onion, where this guys states, "a whole lot of people are saying a whole lot of stupid things on the internet, and I'm here to set them all straight."

It just becomes pointless.

Some things are clear and obvious to those with exeperience. We try to share some advice with those who are inexperienced, give them some guidance, maybe help them avoid some pitfalls. Not everyone is open to advice. They've already made up their minds, in the face of their lack of experience.

You can waste your life in pointless arguments online. Sometimes people need to be allowed to make their own mistakes for a while, before they are willing to follow good advice. Time to step back and let people do what they will.
Don't care, still think it's nice to say thank you, it's better than 'up yours pal'!
I don't know what coffee or zep's argument was about in another thread, but setting aside an entire post to "thank" people that supported you IS gloating... Maybe thats not the intention but thats the way it comes of.

I wasn't gloating. If I had wanted to gloat I would have said something like 'boy, we kicked his ***, didn't we'. I wasn't gloating, I was actually thanking the rest of the members who came to my aid in defending my position. Nothing more. Just like the post states.

I don't even like considering what we have on here as arguments... To me their discussions... No one wins. But hopefully we all learn from them.

Tell that to superman. . .er, I mean coffeerox.
It's the internet ain't real! :uhyeah:

Has anyone seen my pants? I seem to have lost them. :)