Thai Bare Knuckle

hello guys
i made it up north
fights were crazy the whole holdiay thing was nutty what the hell is it with all the water?
met some burma fighters cool guys
love your posts on here great stuff so true i am finding out for myself
Songkron holiday can be a long protracted form of insanity if you are not used to it. In the North, they especially go wild for days on end.

I just watched the burma vs thailand show, it was a good show though I always wish they show all the fights. Its a pretty good card each year. I filmed it several times catching the full card many of which are not televised. The crowds are quite animated and there are alot of Burmese supporters as well as Thais which make it lively and buoyant.

The northern styles are more circular and expressive, so they have a silat type feel but they are indigenous to thailand. That expression can be found in the northern dance as well. But it is not silat influenced.

The North and the border is very close to Burma so constant warfare was always upon the territory. King Naresuan brought a new revitalized combat system to thailand for warfare with things he learned in Burma(building counters to their attack strategies) but I think the circularness is part of the arts that were cultivated there. There are burmese systems that are similar and probably there is a cross from both sides since they have common elements between them. The thais and burmese both influencing each other. Not all burmese styles nor thai styles look the same which is important to note. We are not breaking this down to specific northern Thai systems or burmese systems. This is just a generic overview.
Thank you for the clarification on King Naresuan, the fact he learned their systems to build counters against them later is very interesting and says a lot about the kind of King and general He was.

Vasi you are lucky to be there during Songkram, that area is famous for these water celebrations and people there really enjoy it more than anywhere else in Thailand. Very lucky to see the yearly Thailand vs. Burma as well!
been emailing some of the schools inthailand got very disappointing responses itsall we are the best we know the real thing and they dont. not encouraging to me and sad after reading allthe great things here.still looking.
I dont want you to be disheartened or dispirited by what you are running into. Many of the links and things you will see have commercial agenda and a tremendous ego attached to it coupled with a myopic vision of things. I write on here not to discourage people but equip people with some inside knowledge that will allow them to see deeper and farer.

Everyone believes they have the pure undiluted truth but what litmus test have they put it through? How much can see beyond themselves?

I know you are saving up for your trip and it might be the only time you will make it to thailand and sincerely want you to have a great training experience. I sent you an email with some things that will help and people to see.

Thailand is turning martial arts into commerce just look at muay thai. They practically have muay thai spas for chrissakes! Its effecting also the other sectors and martial arts including the bare knuckle. Doesnt mean the true masters will change or not teach they way they always did. You just need to search a little harder. Part of the journey is the search and the work you do. So you appreciate the truth you find.

Keep an open mind and educate yourself on the things we talk about. it will allow you to see right through the nonsense with a pure vision.
been working hard thanks for your help and i got your emails. i think the writing here is so helpful and honest i believe i am on the right track finally for my trip after almost two years of trying
You have a great attitude along with the others on here who emailed me.

I just want to say we covered many things on this forum that are real indepth, inside information. Things you normally wouldnt hear or get a glimpse of unless you were involved for a long time.

That said one needs to look at the information as a way to avoid the pitfalls that have happened to various martial arts in the past when they come to the West. We have seen ugly fights break out over "purity", "grandmasters", "the truth" when it had little to do with these things and mostly with commerce, ego and control. If the issues of purity, grandmasters, truth and such were fully investigated the outcome would usually go in reverse of what the exploiters would like the focus to go on and would badly turn on them.

I just wanted to show the cracks--expose the inconsistencies in stories, so you can see where the myth building begins. Because in time, it will get blurred and lost. Of course, they have their opinion and I have mine. You can evaluate all that on your own level through your own experiences and research--which I wholeheartedly endorse but you'll see like I did those inconsistencies almost scream out at you.

I wanted to also say that for the person going over to train bare knuckle, almost all the schools and teachers follow the basics in a rigorous format meaning they are pretty uniform in making sure basics are sound. In chaiya, all the teachers i trained with kept the basics sound. Some amplified them a bit or extended them but there was really no harm or set back in rigorously working the basics. So for a person trying to get an understanding, sampling the training, or getting a feel for it for a week or a few months or even a year, they are usually in good hands.

Separating out the "noise" or "propaganda" of the teachers is the most important thing. Let them battle it out themselves in thailand and let them leave it there. We dont need the battles being brought over to europe and the states. We dont need the poison when we are trying to build these arts up in a positive and healthy light. There is room for all teachers and their commerce and tall tales long as the truth plays an integral part of the equation.

So go to thailand, enjoy yourself, enjoy your training but always exam closely the stuff coming out of peoples mouths before you repeat it. Taking a second to look things will go a long way with keeping your attitude and training in a sound place.

I'll leave this discussion at that and not say anymore.
once again endless thanks--i think all the posts go along way to helping to make the search clear and to stay away from the pitfalls..............
Been travelin around
things are good
the stuff on here is on point -
thanks for answering my emails as well
destruct: hook up with me when you come over
Many thanks from me as well, there's been so much good and unspoiled information here and it helped a lot.
cool, guys
love thailand by the way
i'll try to check in more later with some opinions on things that might help

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