Monks and training

Yes they do. But the sad thing is the junta are killing the monks out in the open with no consequences. There is a total genocide going on in burma and the rest of the world is just turning their backs to it. Instead of all the useless wars that are all over the world you would think someone would step in and say hey this ain't right. But there's no oportunity for profit from helping burma so its still going on. I watched a documentary about a year ago that was put together by some people in burma who got a bunch of footage of these killings. In one of the parts it showed a tourist who appeared to be a japanese reporter shot point blank in the street. And throughout the documentary the people helping put it together were being killed. They might all be dead by now. I can't remember the name of the documentary off the top of my head, but maybe v will pop in here I'm sure he knows the one I'm talking about.
I think you are talking about Burma VJ, it's also on youtube.
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Yes that's the one. Thanx man. I know there are a few documentarries on what's going on over there but they aren't getting the attention they need. Anyway thanx again that is the documentary I was talking about.
Thats a very important doc to watch to understand what is happening inside Burma. Here is the link to doc webpage:

There was also this recent doc called Burma Soldier which was good:

Please also check out this site and show your support:

In my last museum show, we put out the info for the uscampaign and many people joined and showed their support. My next show will be totally devoted to Burma so we will try again to get some more support going for them and their work getting the info about Burma out to public.
Thank you Vincent, the trailer was very touching and telling. I will definitely spread the word and give something out to support.
Yeah I'm gonna get the word out about burma also. I'm gonna give some support and see about getting some others to do the same.
i wish people would stop slagging off chaiya. thailand is a country where so much is falsified but you can just make a martial tradition and call it fake. i think chaiya is made such a target cos its the only tradition to still survive to the modern day. ive heard muay khorat is still around but i dont know to what extent.

there are so many people apparently saying they have studied chaiya. learning chaiya is very expensive meaning very few people can learn it for any decent amount of time to really understand and get to grips with the techniques, maybe thats why so many feel it doesnt match up. that is a massive shame cos chaiya is a martial art just as valid as karate, tkd and kung fu forms so why isnt it afforded the same level of respect? there are thousands of people teaching karate and muay thai to a standard that would never be accepted by the founders and true masters, so why is chaiya given so much stick? chaiya has only three certified teachers, all doing a great job in keeping this once dying art alive.

it sickens me to see much negativity to something very few have had a real decent experience in.
thanks for your OPINION, this is a forum and everyone has an opinion and experience. Just because someone doesnt like something doesnt mean its the final opinion. This is one of the best forums and the level of experience is pretty good and pretty straightforward in my humble opinion.
yes youre right im sorry. i've just been getting a lot of stick for some reason. seems theres been a lot of people in the past raging about how much better chaiya is than other arts and i've walked right into a minefield.

i'm sure anyone would get upset and react without reasoning if their art was slated by a whole community of people.

i look forward to nice, friendly (hopefully no more attacks) discussion on the many arts that are practised by the many people on this forum.
hey man --look some chaiya guys from all the schools started problems here and there and the schools in thailand were always fighting among themselves they gave chaiya a big black eye from the teachers themselves to the studentsThey did tons of damage to themselves and people in the west caught it and exposed it=thats not you, brother so you can be positive and change that with open attitude especially understanding that many people got a bad taste in their mouth about chaiya. maybe that will change. I cant say enough how good this forum is, there is some people here who trained chaiya here who have done it since the early nineties whether they want to discuss that is up to them.
This is true, there are people who were there and trained in chaiya and other styles since the early nineties and met all the old and current teachers.
If one takes the time to read this very forum well enough they will find lots of great info on chaiya and other traditional styles. I have been rereading some old threads and they are always valid with tremendous knowledge and insights.
chaiya is just one system of the old thai stuff people just seem hooked on it for some reason
i guess for now until the next flavor of the month pops out

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