Testing time

I wish you was here to do it for me>>>

I'm still gearing up for nationals in July and possibly a second dan test in October...plates full :D

First, let me congratulate you on your upcoming opportunity to test for Oh Dan. Frankly, from many of your posts I had already assumed you were well past that rank.

A lot of people have already given great advice on conditioning for the test. In the breaking area, it would depend on how many breaks will be required by the testing board/organization to which you belong. We generally do two power breaks, one with a hand technique (each hand) and one with a foot technique (each foot). Then we do a technical break which is usually some sort of advanced kick. I've also seen some people do an extra demonstration type technique such as the gentleman who broke a board with a thumb strike a few years ago (impressive).

For my recent test I did the following:

Inward knife-hand strikes 3 boards each hand. I could've done 4 with my right but my instructor wanted the same demonstartion of skill and power on each side of the body.

Turning kick (roundhouse kick) on four boards with each foot.

Flying double front snap kick (jumping and kicking twice with the same foot in succession while in the air hitting two different topics before landing), one board for each kick for my technical break.

This kind of breaking allows one to demonstrate 1) ability to generate power, 2) a equilibrium of development of techniques since both sides of the body do the same techniques, and 3) mastery of advanced/signature techniques since the technical break is usually a flying/spinning type kick.

Looking forward to hearing how the test goes.


First, let me congratulate you on your upcoming opportunity to test for Oh Dan. Frankly, from many of your posts I had already assumed you were well past that rank.

A lot of people have already given great advice on conditioning for the test. In the breaking area, it would depend on how many breaks will be required by the testing board/organization to which you belong. We generally do two power breaks, one with a hand technique (each hand) and one with a foot technique (each foot). Then we do a technical break which is usually some sort of advanced kick. I've also seen some people do an extra demonstration type technique such as the gentleman who broke a board with a thumb strike a few years ago (impressive).

For my recent test I did the following:

Inward knife-hand strikes 3 boards each hand. I could've done 4 with my right but my instructor wanted the same demonstartion of skill and power on each side of the body.

Turning kick (roundhouse kick) on four boards with each foot.

Flying double front snap kick (jumping and kicking twice with the same foot in succession while in the air hitting two different topics before landing), one board for each kick for my technical break.

This kind of breaking allows one to demonstrate 1) ability to generate power, 2) a equilibrium of development of techniques since both sides of the body do the same techniques, and 3) mastery of advanced/signature techniques since the technical break is usually a flying/spinning type kick.

Looking forward to hearing how the test goes.



I should be already a 7th but I refuse to test for 18 years so it put a hinder on it for me.
You know, it's too bad but it is understandable. You are going to test for your 5th. I offered and you never took me up on it but I was going to do a skip dan for you for 6th. Oh well, water under the bridge now, eh. Still, wish you the best. I really do this hope this works our for you.
You know, it's too bad but it is understandable. You are going to test for your 5th. I offered and you never took me up on it but I was going to do a skip dan for you for 6th. Oh well, water under the bridge now, eh. Still, wish you the best. I really do this hope this works our for you.

Wade I sent you a e-mail and never heard back from you! If I offended you I am sorry my friend. lets talk in Vegas.
Congrats, Terry! I cannot add anything by way of advice that hasn't already been said, so I'll stick with saying best wishes to you!

Dying to hear. I am in the same boat. 20 plus years and no tests. Work said no way on my vacation request and last minute gave me the thumbs up. I sent in the forms with teachers recomendations and tested locally for that. I got an OK at the begining of the week and then flights were about 1K : (
I thought standby would would work then some winds hit the East Coast and after 2 hours I threw in the towel. Oh well. Theres always tomorrow.
I hope it went well for you Terry and would love to hear about it.

Dave O.
So Terry, how did your test go?

Wade I did not test at the US Open my test is schedule for the summer this upcoming July. I still habe alot of work to do and the training is going OK at best. Sore but it is to be expected. Sorry if you all thought it was this soom, but I am getting old and need time to refresh and make myself ready.
Even though I tested for my recommending teacher I was half happy I missed that flight. I in no way felt fully ready to pass a test in front of that big of a crowd. Folks think that the preperation is for the test but its really for you. We need that moment in training where we step forward and can say bring it!
Good luck and keep on!

Its never really about pass or fail but being ready.

Dave O.